Issues and options

We are reviewing our Local Plan which provides the planning framework for the parts of the district outside of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

We have begun the preparation of a revised Local Plan (2018-2035) and recently consulted on the Issues and options inviting representations from 3 September to 31 October 2018.

The development of issues and options was the first stage in the production of the revised Local Plan. There will be many further opportunities for residents, businesses and other interested parties to be involved in planning for our future.

The scope of the Issues and options consultation was to identify the key strategic issues and opportunities the revised Local Plan should address. It also outlined for consideration some options and initial ideas for the strategic policies in certain areas such as the scale and location of housing and economic development.

We are now analysing the responses received to the consultation and will be taking these into consideration as we prepare the Local Plan review preferred options document which we expect to publish for consultation in Spring 2020.


The consultation documents were:

 Local Plan review issues and options consultation (pdf / 2 MB)

 Issues and options consultation information (pdf / 49 KB)

 Issues and options questionnaire (pdf / 80 KB)

The supporting evidence studies currently completed and which have informed this consultation are:

 Richmondshire strategic housing market assessment (2017) (pdf / 2 MB)

 Richmondshire strategic housing market assessment demographics (2017) (pdf / 3 MB)

 Richmondshire employment land review (2018) (pdf / 6 MB)

 Richmondshire settlement facilities study (2017) (pdf / 846 KB)

Further steps

The issue and options consultation has now closed and a summary of representations can be found in the  issues and options consultation summary report (pdf / 409 KB). We are now preparing the preferred options which will set out what we think is the best strategy to deliver Richmondshire's needs. This will be subject to public consultation in Spring 2020.