This resource provides map-based information about the network of green and blue infrastructure in the Craven local plan area.
Google Maps
The aim of the Craven green and blue infrastructure map is to bring all public information about the location and type of green and blue infrastructure in the area together into a single, accessible and easy to use online tool. To achieve this, all of the information has been added to Google Maps which is a free tool for all devices from desktop computers to smartphones.
You can view the map and all of the information on Google Maps.
How the map works
The Craven green and blue infrastructure map adds four new layers to the standard Google Map. You can view these one at a time or in any combination. You can turn layers on or off by clicking on the tick box next to each layer name. Each layer contains a set of broadly similar green and blue infrastructure assets or items.
The four layers are:
- blue infrastructure
- green infrastructure a) plan-led multi-functional green infrastructure assets
- green infrastructure b) natural habitat and wildlife focused
- green infrastructure c) community and / or recreation focused
Blue infrastructure
Blue infrastructure means any kind of natural or man-made body of water including:
- rivers
- becks
- lakes
- ponds
- reservoirs
- canals
The blue infrastructure layer only has one item at the moment because of data limitations. This is the Leeds and Liverpool Canal which is outlined and shaded in blue on the map. However, you can see many other waterbodies in the standard Google Map layers or on the green infrastructure map on the Natural England website.
Green infrastructure
Green and blue infrastructure typically has more than one function or purpose at the same time but green and blue infrastructure assets can focus on one purpose in particular. For example, Aireville Park in Skipton is focused on recreation and community use but it is also good for wildlife. The map divides items of green infrastructure into three broadly similar types based on their focus.
Green infrastructure a) plan-led multi-functional green infrastructure assets
Items in this layer are outlined and shaded in dark green and come from designations or allocations in the Craven local plan. They are designed to have more than one purpose and do not have a single main focus.
This layer includes Green Wedges, Local Green Space and a number of sites allocated for housing, employment or mixed-use development.
Green infrastructure b) natural habitat and wildlife focused
Items in this layer are outlined and shaded in orange. They are protected by local, national and international designations because of their importance to biodiversity. This means they might be multi-functional but they have a clear focus on natural habitats and wildlife.
This layer includes:
- ancient woodland
- Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
- Sites of Special Scientific Interest
- Special Protection Areas
- Special Areas of Conservation
Some of these items have inset boxes with links to other websites where you can see the exact boundaries of the items.
Green infrastructure c) community and / or recreation focused
Items in this layer are outlined and shaded in light green. Most of them come from the council's open space and sports evidence (pdf / 13 MB) and they include:
- semi-natural greenspace
- amenity greenspace
- parks and gardens
- allotments
- cemeteries
- civic spaces
- children's play areas
- outdoor sports facilities
Items in this layer can have multiple functions but the main focus is on local communities and / or recreation.
We will add other times when suitable data becomes available, for example, public rights of way and areas of land covered by tree preservation orders. You can find out about public rights of way on the Natural England website and see current tree preservation orders in the Craven area on this map.
Using the map
The Craven green and blue infrastructure map can be used by developers, decision-makers and communities to help make sure that the local green and blue infrastructure network is protected, enhanced and expanded in accordance with relevant Craven local plan policies and policy guidance.
You can use the map to:
- check for existing green and blue infrastructure assets on, adjoining or near a site - click on an item to see details about the asset
- see how the green and blue infrastructure network could be improved by creating new green and blue infrastructure assets that interact with and link up to existing assets in the local area
- spot opportunities to create multi-functional open spaces for people and nature that can be used as walkways, wildlife corridors, habitats and to reduce flood risk
Other resources
Natural England is the Government's adviser for the natural environment and they provide lots of free information and tools. You can find the following on the Natural England website:
- green infrastructure framework
- green infrastructure mapping database and analyses
- green infrastructure map
These resources include a baseline of green infrastructure across England which helps to plan green infrastructure strategically at different scales and target investment where it is most needed.