Gargrave archive

Access archived information relating to the Gargrave neighbourhood development plan.

The Gargrave neighbourhood development plan (GNDP) came into force as part of the statutory development plan on 30 May 2019, after being approved at referendum, and we formally made (adopted) the GDNP on 8 July 2019.

The GNDP sets out a vision, objectives and policies, which will be used alongside the Craven local plan to guide new development in the designated neighbourhood area of Gargrave until 2032. Policies of the GNDP cover such matters as:

  • housing - including a settlement boundary, criteria for proposals within the boundary, site allocations, house types, sizes and styles and housing for local needs
  • employment - including support for tourism and appropriate rural business development
  • environment - including design, heritage, green spaces, recreational facilities, rural landscape and wildlife
  • infrastructure - including public transport; walking and cycling; and flood risk

A full copy of the made GNDP, including text, policies and policies map, can be downloaded below.

 Gargrave neighbourhood development plan (up to 2032) made July 2019 (pdf / 10 MB)

 Our regulation 19 decision statement (pdf / 582 KB)

The made GNDP and regulation 19 decision statement are also available from the Gargrave Parish Council website. Paper copies can be viewed at our offices in Craven.

The following timeline provides a summary of the neighbourhood plan's progress through statutory stages. The timeline unfolds in reverse chronological order as you scroll down the page.


8 July - the Gargrave neighbourhood development plan was formally made at a meeting of our Craven spatial planning sub-committee. The decision to make the plan and the reasons for making that decision are set out in our regulation 19 decision statement.

30 May - our counting officer has issued a  declaration of results of poll (pdf / 67 KB), announcing that more than half of those voting have voted in favour of the Gargrave neighbourhood development plan. This means that the Plan has passed the referendum and may now be made by us. Further updates will be provided in due course. For further information and advice about the referendum process, please contact us.

17 May - a  notice of poll (pdf / 248 KB), containing information about when and where the referendum will take place and who is entitled to vote, has been issued by our counting officer.

23 April - a  notice of referendum (pdf / 65 KB), containing information about the referendum question and voting procedures, has been issued by our counting officer.

16 April - the Gargrave neighbourhood development plan will proceed to referendum, in line with the neighbourhood planning (referendums) regulations 2012 (as amended).

The referendum will take place on Thursday 30 May 2019.

A person is entitled to vote in the referendum if:

  • he or she is entitled to vote in an election of any councillor of the council whose area is in the referendum area and
  • his or her qualifying address for the election is in the referendum area. A person’s qualifying address is, in relation to a person registered in the register of electors, the address in respect of which he or she is entitled to be so registered

A number of specified documents may now be inspected in person at our offices in Craven.

The specified documents are as follows:

March - Mr Robert Bryan examined the Gargrave neighbourhood development Plan, by written representations, during November and December 2018. In his final examiner's report, received us and Gargrave Parish Council on 22 January 2019, Mr Bryan recommends a number of modifications to the plan and concludes that the plan meets the basic conditions set out by law subject to those modifications being made.

On 24 February 2019, our spatial planning sub-committee considered and agreed with Mr Bryan's recommendations. This means that we, as the local planning authority, have formally decided that the Gargrave neighbourhood development plan meets the basic conditions - subject to recommended modifications being made - and may proceed to referendum. A referendum will therefore be held on Thursday 30 May 2019.

Mr Bryan's examiner's report is available below, together with our regulation 18 decision statement, which sets out its formal decision as a local planning authority.


December - the independent examination of the submitted Gargrave neighbourhood development plan, accompanying documents and representations (see entries for May to August, below) is being carried out by Mr Robert Bryan BA Hons, Dip TP, MRTPI. Details of additional documents relevant to the examination are below:

Examination of the Gargrave NDP - additional documents

Document Title Author
 AD.001 (pdf / 115 KB) Email to R Bryan re CDC made no comments during consultation 26.10.18 Craven District Council
 AD.002 (pdf / 83 KB) DF email to R Byran re additional info on HRA 1.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.003 (pdf / 80 KB) DF email to R Bryan re GA009 CDCs view 1.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.004 (pdf / 78 KB) CDC response to R Bryan email RE Martin & Aldersely reps 14.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.005 (pdf / 68 KB) Email to R Bryan re Call for Sites Assessment Rpt 20.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.006 (pdf / 87 KB) Email from R Byan re resolving consultation objections 19.11.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.007 (pdf / 92 KB) Email to R Bryan - CDC response to resolving the consultation issue 20.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.008 (pdf / 98 KB) Email from R Bryan re clarification request from GPC 20.11.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.009a (pdf / 75 KB) CDC fwd email from GPC re info requested by R Bryan to R Bryan 27.11.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.009b (pdf / 10 KB) Email Attachment: Results & Ranking Order Sheet 23.07.15 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.010 (pdf / 70 KB) CDC fwd email 1 to R Bryan re CA ref site GA031 27.11.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.011 (pdf / 98 KB) Email fwd to GPC from R Bryan re Policy G2 27.11.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.012 (pdf / 83 KB) R Bryan response to objections 27.11.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.013a (pdf / 118 KB) CDC email to R Bryan HRA and SEA documents Gargrave NP 29.11.18 Craven District Council
 AD.013b (pdf / 6 MB) Email Attachment: Gargrave HRA (November 2018) Craven District Council
 AD.013c (pdf / 5 MB) Email Attachment: Gargrave SEA (November 2018) Craven District Council
 AD.014 (pdf / 122 KB) R Bryan response to DF email re HRA & SEA 30.11.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.015a (pdf / 71 KB) CDC fwd info from GPC to R Bryan table 3 amends 4.12.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.015b (pdf / 163 KB) Email Attachment: Table 3 Proposed Housing Sites plus reg 14 responses V1 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.016 (pdf / 127 KB) DF email to R Bryan re SEA HEA 4.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.017 (pdf / 37 KB) R Bryan response to Marton Rd Working Grp 4.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.018 (pdf / 34 KB) R Bryan email re additional info re access 2 site allocations 4.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.019 (pdf / 97 KB) R Bryan email ack receipt of CDC email 5.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.020 (pdf / 76 KB) CDC email to R Bryan re appeal decision Church Ln Gargrave 10.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.021a (pdf / 84 KB) CDC fwd GPC LGS Ass Doc to R Bryan 10.12.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.021b (pdf / 2 MB) Email attachment: Gargrave LGS Assessment CDC Methodology May 2016 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.022a (pdf / 89 KB) CDC response to R Bryan flood risk GA025 10.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.022b (pdf / 12 KB) Email attachment: Appendix 2 - EA letter 8th March Craven District Council
 AD.022c (pdf / 13 KB) Email attachment: Appendix 3 - EA letter 28th March Craven District Council
 AD.022d (pdf / 89 KB) Email attachment: Appendix 4 - EA confirmation of FZ1 Craven District Council
 AD.023a (pdf / 78 KB) GPC response to R Bryan request re access to sites G2,1 & G2,3 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.023b (pdf / 17 KB) Email attachment: Blank Response Form G2 1 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.023c (pdf / 17 KB) Email attachment: Blank Response Form G2 3 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.024 (pdf / 97 KB) CDC response to R Bryan re site GA025 11.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.025a (pdf / 82 KB) R Bryan email to GPC re amends to Table 3 of GNP 13.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.025b (pdf / 56 KB) Email attachment: Table 3 Proposed Housing Sites plus reg 14 responses V1 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.026 (pdf / 118 KB) CDC fwd email to R Bryan from MRWG 17.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.027 (pdf / 123 KB) R Bryan response to MRWG email 17.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.028a (pdf / 77 KB) CDC fwd GPC response to R Bryan email (13.12.18) 17.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.028b (pdf / 72 KB) Email attachment: Gargrave Comments Form - Informal Consultation May 2015 v2 Craven District Council
 AD.028c (pdf / 359 KB) Email attachment: Minutes GNPWG 24 June 15 Craven District Council
 AD.028d (pdf / 10 KB) Email attachment: Results & Ranking Order Sheet 23.07.15 Craven District Council
 AD.029a (pdf / 89 KB) GPC response to R Bryan Table 3 amends 17.12.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.029b (pdf / 102 KB) Email attachment: Table 3 Proposed Housing Sites plus reg 14 responses V3 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.030 (pdf / 81 KB) GPC response to R Bryan Table 3 amends & RB response 17.12.18 Gargrave Parish Council
 AD.031a (pdf / 73 KB) CDC email to R Bryan fwd Minutes of GPC Mtg (14.12.18) 18.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.031b (pdf / 99 KB) Email attachment: Minutes of Parish Council Review Meeting 14 Dec 2018 Craven District Council
 AD.032a (pdf / 75 KB) CDC email to MRWG fwd Minutes of GPC mtg (14.12.18) as requested by R Bryan 18.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.032b (pdf / 99 KB) Email attachment: Minutes of Parish Council Review Meeting 14 Dec 2018 Craven District Council
 AD.033 (pdf / 82 KB) R Bryan email to CDC re GPC Minutes 18.12.18 Mr Robert Bryan, Examiner
 AD.034 (pdf / 79 KB) CDC email to R Bryan re questions re YW consultation 19.12.18 Craven District Council
 AD.035 (pdf / 148 KB) CDC email to R Bryan re Gargrave NP Consultation with Natural England 19.12.18 Craven District Council

August - representations submitted during public consultation (see below) are now being considered. The next stage is for the plan, accompanying documents and representations to be subjected to independent examination to establish whether the plan meets basic conditions set by law. If the plan is found to be satisfactory, with modifications if necessary, we will arrange for a local referendum to take place within the area covered by the plan. If more than 50% of those voting vote in favour, we will bring the plan into force.

June - we ran a six week public consultation on the submitted neighbourhood plan from 25 June to 6 August 2018. Although the consultation is now closed, copies of the submission documents are still available, below, for reference purposes - document numbers have been added for the examination.

May - Gargrave Parish Council formally submitted its neighbourhood plan to us, under regulation 15 of the neighbourhood planning (general) regulations 2012. The draft plan is intended to guide new development proposals in the parish up to 2032 and includes policies on housing, employment, environment, green spaces and infrastructure.


Consultation on the parish council's  application to designate a neighbourhood area (pdf / 1 MB) closed on 20 January 2014 (no comments received) and Gargrave neighbourhood plan area was designated by us on 27 January 2014.

Useful links

Gargrave neighbourhood plan on the parish website