Local plan timeline

An overview of new local plan preparation from 2012 to 2019.

The following timeline provides a summary of progress made towards the adoption of the emerging Craven local plan.

2019: Examination, modification and adoption

February: Invitation to make representations on proposed Main Modifications to the Publication Draft Craven Local Plan.

2018: Publication, submission and examination

March: Craven Local Plan submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

January: Representations invited on the Publication Draft Craven Local Plan and revised Statement of Community Involvement.

2017: Towards publication and submission

December: Response to comments on the third pre-publication draft local plan.

June: Consultation on the third pre-publication draft local plan.

2016: Second draft of the local plan

July: Preferred housing sites consultation - withdrawn.

April: Consultation on the second pre-publication draft local plan.

2015: Improving on the first draft

December: Objectively assessed need for housing (OAN), housing target and distribution strategy for the next draft local plan accepted and agreed by full council.

September: Update on spatial strategy options.

February: Response to comments on the first draft local plan; report on local plan progress and areas for further action; revised local development scheme (LDS).

2014: Towards a draft local plan

December: Statistics and initial feedback on the first draft local plan consultation.

November: Consultation on the first draft of the local plan.

June: Initial selection of preferred sites for consultation.

April: mid to south adjustment of sub-area housing figures.

2013: Community engagement events

November: Key points from feedback received at the community drop-in events.

June: Information and output from 20 community drop-in events in 16 towns and villages.

2012: Shaping a spatial strategy and housing figure

December:  Publication of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

October: Identification of spatial strategy settlements, which might have land allocated for housing development, how much development might be appropriate for each settlement and what criteria might be used to identify preferable sites. Feedback from stakeholder workshops held in September.

September: Participatory workshops for parish councils and other stakeholders to discuss a spatial strategy, a housing figure and an approach to allocations, policies and neighbourhood planning.