2019 examination, modification and adoption

Progress of the new local plan in 2019 including modification of the publication draft.

18 July - proposed further main modifications to the publication draft Craven local plan.

Following the submission of the publication draft Craven local plan in March 2018, related examination hearings held in October 2018 and main modifications to the plan proposed in February 2019 (see below), we proposed three further main modifications, in order to make the plan sound. We ran a six-week public consultation on the proposed further main modifications from 18 July to 29 August 2019, inclusive. Although the consultation is now closed, relevant documents are still available, below, for reference purposes. Document numbers correspond to those in the examination library.

Important information about the consultation and making representations

Consultation documents

Additional documents

In fulfilling its responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty, we have undertaken an equality impact assessment (EqIA) of the plan. The latest iteration of the EqIA was published in February 2019, alongside the proposed main modifications. We produced an addendum to that EqIA, below, which covers the further main modifications. Comments on the EqIA addendum could be made separately to representations on the further main modifications.

 Equality impact assessment addendum (pdf / 634 KB) (EL7.008)

19 February - Proposed main modifications to the publication draft Craven local plan

Following the submission of the publication draft Craven local plan in March 2018 and related examination hearings held in October 2018, we proposed a number of main modifications (amendments) to the plan, in order to make the plan sound. We ran a six-week public consultation on the proposed main modifications from 19 February to 1 April 2019. Although the consultation is now closed, relevant documents are still available, below, for reference purposes. Document numbers correspond to those in the examination library.

Consultation documents

Additional documents

These were provided for information and completeness only and were not part of the consultation.

 Schedule of additional modifications (pdf / 308 KB) (EL6.007)

In fulfilling its responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty, the council undertook an equality impact assessment of the proposed main modifications. Comments on the assessment could be made separately to representations on the main modifications.

 Equality Impact Assessment (pdf / 1 MB) (EL6.009)