Our statement of community involvement was first adopted in 2006. However, a number of changes have been made recently to the planning system which has led to the need to revise the statement of community involvement.
This page explains what we will do to involve people in preparing new minerals and waste related policy and in determining planning applications for minerals, waste and county related planning matters. It also sets out our vision for community involvement for planning related activities in the North Yorkshire plan area.
“Our vision is to ensure that all members of the community are provided with the opportunity to engage actively and equally in the process of preparing the minerals and waste plan, and in any other consultation procedures concerning planning matters dealt with by us.”
The SCI aims to:
- promote and raise awareness locally of minerals and waste planning issues
- respond effectively to the differing needs of the community and to actively encourage their involvement
- ensure that information is made accessible to everybody through the use of electronic equipment and other means necessary
- encourage more people from all community groups to become involved in minerals and waste issues affecting their locality and
- listen to and consider the views of the local community and stakeholders, in order that decisions are well balanced and take into account the public interest