Evidence base

The emerging minerals and waste joint plan, must be based on evidence.

It is a statutory requirement for plans to be founded on robust and credible evidence. There is also a need to ensure that evidence gathering is proportionate and targeted at the issues to be addressed. Importantly, evidence can provide a suitable means of identifying potential policy options and of allowing more objective assessment of relevant issues. Evidence is therefore important to both the development of policy itself and the undertaking of various forms of appraisal, such as sustainability appraisal and strategic flood risk assessment, which also need to be carried out.

Key documents used by the authorities as part of the evidence base are listed below:

Key evidence base documents

Local plan background documents

Title and link Brief description Published
 Demographic and economic evidence (pdf / 2 MB) Provides general contextual background evidence for the joint plan area. May 2017
 Cross cutting issues (pdf / 2 MB) Provides background evidence for cross cutting issues such as transport, climate change and cumulative impacts in the minerals and waste joint plan area. July 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 Environmental evidence base paper (pdf / 3 MB) Provides background information relating to environmental issues within the joint plan area. October 2016 Updated since preferred options stage
 Detailed audit trial of policy development (pdf / 5 MB) Profomas providing an in-depth audit trail of the development of policies from issues and options stage to publication stage. October 2016
 Summary audit trail of policy development (pdf / 951 KB) Table providing a simplified audit trail of the development of policies from issues and options stage to publication stage. October 2016
 Duty to cooperate statement (pdf / 6 MB) Document demonstrating how duty to cooperate with other authorities and bodies has been undertaken and outcomes taken into account. November 2016
 Statement of consultation (pdf / 8 MB) Record of the formal consultation stages for the minerals and waste joint plan. November 2016
 Equalities impact assessment - North Yorkshire County Council (pdf / 58 KB) North Yorkshire County Council's equalities impact assessment for minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 Communities impact assessment - City of York Council (pdf / 383 KB) City of York Council's community impact assessment for the minerals and waste joint plan. October 2015
 Equalities impact assessment - North York Moors National Park Authority (pdf / 162 KB) North York Moors National Park Authority's equalities impact assessment for minerals and waste joint plan. October 2016
 Communication Strategy (pdf / 571 KB) Provides a framework for communication through the development of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan and includes the requirements for the three Authorities Statements of Community Involvement May 2013

Site and area specific

Title and link Brief description Published
 Introduction to site and area assessment background papers (pdf / 201 KB) An introduction to background papers used to support the site and area assessment process. October 2016
 Site identification and assessment methodology and scope (pdf / 647 KB) A stepped process of identification and assessment that considers a wide range of planning and sustainability issues. January 2015
 Initial screening of submitted sites and areas (pdf / 991 KB) Initial screening of submitted sites and areas. October 2016
 Discounted sites summary document (pdf / 13 MB) List of sites which have been withdrawn and discounted along with any justification. October 2016
 Identification of areas of search for concreting sand and gravel (pdf / 14 MB) Paper illustrating why and how the areas of search have been identified for sand and gravel. October 2016
 Impact of site submissions on agricultural land (pdf / 1 MB) Paper which sets out the impact the site submissions have on agricultural land. October 2016
 Traffic assessment (pdf / 9 MB) Considers traffic impacts of sites included for consideration in minerals and waste joint plan. October 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Traffic assessment - appendices (pdf / 30 MB) Appendices to support traffic assessment. October 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Interpretation of level 1 SFRA sequential test findings (pdf / 430 KB) Interpretation of level 1 SFRA sequential test findings. October 2016
 Notes from site assessment panels (pdf / 19 MB) Record of notes taken by assessors during panel sessions held to support the process of site identification and assessment. October 2016
 Audit trail of progression of sites from Issues and Options stage to Publication (pdf / 949 KB) A audit trail of how sites suggested for allocation have been progressed between the Issues and Option stage and Publication stage. April 2017

Minerals specific

Title and link Brief description Published

General minerals

 Minerals specific evidence (pdf / 2 MB) Provides background evidence for the non aggregate minerals which are present in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. March 2017. Updated since Publication stage
 North York Moors National Park minerals technical paper (pdf / 1 MB) Technical paper about the minerals in the North York Moors National Park. October 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 City of York Council minerals and waste technical paper (pdf / 892 KB) Technical paper about minerals and waste in the City of York area. November 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 British Geological Survey - minerals yearbook 2015 (pdf / 2 MB) Details amount of mineral extracted in United Kingdom. 2015. Updated since preferred options stage
 Mineral extraction in Great Britain 2013 (pdf / 951 KB) Based on Annual Minerals raised inquiry, carried out by ONS for DCLG. February 2015. Added since issues and options stage

Aggregates specific

 North Yorkshire sand and gravel assessment (pdf / 16 MB) Assessment of sand and gravel resource present in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. 2011
 Sand and gravel resource block assessment (pdf / 321 KB) A sand and gravel resource block assessment for the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. October 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 City of York sand and gravel assessment (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of sand and gravel resource in the City of York plan area. 2013
 Further assessment of the sand and gravel resource areas in the City of York (pdf / 147 KB) A further assessment of the sand and gravel resource areas in the City of York plan area. August 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. January 2013
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (first review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. February 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (second review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. September 2016. Updated since preferred options stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (third review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. May 2018. Updated since submission stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (fourth review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. December 2018 Updated since submission stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (fifth review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. October 2019. Updated since submission stage
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (sixth review) (pdf / 3 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. December 2022
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (seventh review) (pdf / 2 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. March 2024
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (eighth review) (pdf / 2 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. May 2024
 Local aggregates assessment for North Yorkshire sub-region (ninth review) (pdf / 2 MB) Assessment of aggregates in North Yorkshire sub-region which includes North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority. February 2025
 Aggregates discussion paper (pdf / 853 KB) A paper which concentrates on the position regarding aggregates in the joint plan area. June 2013
 Aggregate forecasting demand paper (pdf / 668 KB) Aggregate forecasting demand discussion paper for North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and North York Moors National Park Authority plan areas. -
 Marine aggregates study (pdf / 2 MB) Study of the potential to supply a greater amount of marine aggregates into the Yorkshire and Humber region. January 2014
 Yorkshire and Humber regional aggregates working party report (pdf / 1 MB) Review of aggregates in the Yorkshire and Humber region. 2016. Added since Preferred Options
 Joint local aggregates assessment for County Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear (Jun 2016) (pdf / 5 MB) Joint local aggregate assessment for County Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland. 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 Tees Valley local aggregates assessment (Jun 2016) (pdf / 651 KB) Joint aggregate assessment for Tees Valley authorities including Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Stockton. Added since preferred options stage
 West Yorkshire local aggregates assessment (Sep 2015) (pdf / 2 MB) Joint aggregate assessment for West Yorkshire authorities including Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Kirklees and Calderdale. 2015. Added since preferred options stage
 Doncaster and Rotherham local aggregates assessment (2015) (pdf / 2 MB) Joint local aggregate assessment for Doncaster and Rotherham authorities. 2015. Added since preferred options stage
 British Geological Survey - movement of primary aggregate by sub-region for 2014 (pdf / 268 KB) Record of movement of primary aggregate by sub-region sourced from 2014 aggregate survey (AM2014). 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 BGS Yorkshire and the Humber region - sand and gravel resources and environmental assets (pdf / 576 KB) Identifies broad areas of sand and gravel resources in the Yorkshire and the Humber region and, within these resources, identifies those potentially suitable for use as aggregate in concrete. In addition, information on the environmental and cultural assets, as well as other features relevant to planning are provided. 2005. Added since issues and options stage
 DCLG aggregate minerals survey for England and Wales 2014 (pdf / 13 MB) Collation of the results of the 2014 aggregate minerals survey for England and Wales. 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 West Yorkshire Combined Authority: The quarrying of Magnesian Limestone for aggregate in the Yorkshire and Humber Region (pdf / 2 MB) Paper providing background information about the quarrying of Magnesian Limestone for use as aggregate in the Yorkshire and Humber Region 2017. Added since publication stage
YHAWP Meeting 12 July 2017  Agenda - 12 July 2017 (pdf / 374 KB) and  Minutes - 12 July 2017 (pdf / 432 KB) of meeting held on 12 July 2017  
YHAWP Meeting 18 October 2017  Agenda - 18 October 2017 (pdf / 373 KB) and  Minutes - 18 October 2017 (pdf / 469 KB) of meeting held on 18 October 2017  
YHAWP Meeting 4 July 2018  Agenda - 4 July 2018 (pdf / 391 KB) and  Minutes - 4 July 2018 (pdf / 452 KB) of meeting held on 4 July 2018  
YHAWP Meeting 10 January 2019  Agenda - 10 January 2019 (pdf / 448 KB) and  Minutes - 10 January 2019 (pdf / 454 KB) of meeting held on 10 January 2019  
YHAWP Meeting 25 July 2019  Agenda - 25 July 2019 (pdf / 289 KB) and  Minutes - 25 July 2019 (pdf / 447 KB) of meeting held on 25 July 2019  
YHAWP Meeting 29 October 2019  Agenda - 29 October 2019 (pdf / 289 KB) and  Minutes - 29 October 2019 (pdf / 511 KB) of meeting held on 29 October 2019  
YHAWP Meeting 17 June 2020  Agenda - 17 June 2020 (pdf / 287 KB) and  Minutes - 17 June 2020 (pdf / 512 KB) of meeting held on 17 June 2020  
YHAWP Meeting 17 November 2020  Agenda - 17 November 2020 (pdf / 333 KB) and  Minutes - 17 November 2020 (pdf / 448 KB) of meeting held on 17 November 2020  
YHAWP Meeting 23 July 2021  Agenda - 23 July 2021 (pdf / 425 KB) and  Minutes - 23 July 2021 (pdf / 667 KB) of meeting held on 23 July 2021  
YHAWP Meeting 30 November 2021  Agenda - 30 November 2021 (pdf / 331 KB) and  Minutes - 30 November 2021 (pdf / 654 KB) of meeting held on 30 November 2021  
YHAWP Meeting 28 June 2022  Agenda - 28 June 2022 (pdf / 332 KB) and  Minutes - 28 June 2022 (pdf / 124 KB) of meeting held on 28 June 2022  
YHAWP Meeting 19 December 2022  Agenda - 19 December 2022 (pdf / 65 KB) and  Minutes - 19 December 2022 (pdf / 69 KB) of meeting held on 19 December 2022  
YHAWP Meeting 14 June 2023  Agenda - 14 June 2023 (pdf / 64 KB) and  Minutes - 14 June 2023 (pdf / 224 KB) of meeting held on 14 June 2023  
YHAWP Meeting 11 October 2023  Agenda - 11 October 2023 of meeting (pdf / 120 KB) held on 11 October 2023  
YHAWP AMR 2021  Yorkshire and Humber Aggregate Working Party Annual Monitoring Report 2021 (pdf / 1 MB)  
YHAWP AMR 2022  Yorkshire and Humber Aggregate Working Party Annual Monitoring Report 2022 (pdf / 980 KB)  
 YHAWP Minutes 11 October 2023 (pdf / 200 KB)    
 YHAWP Meeting Agenda 23 May 2024 (pdf / 97 KB)    

Oil and gas

 Government announcement of release of petroleum exploration and development licences (Dec 2015) (pdf / 1 MB) Announcement about onshore blocks under the 14th onshore oil and gas licencing round being formally offered to successful applicants. 2015. Added since preferred options stage
 Department of Energy and Climate Change - gas generation strategy (Dec 2012) (pdf / 3 MB) Sets out current position in terms of gas and also aims to reduce uncertainty around gas generation for investors. 2012. Added since preferred options stage
 Department of Energy and Climate Change - ministerial statement about shale gas (2015) (pdf / 865 KB) Sets out the Government's view about national need to explore and develop shale gas and oil resources in a safe, sustainable and timely way and steps taken to support this. 2015. Added since preferred options stage
 The onshore hydraulic fracturing (protected areas) regulations 2016 (pdf / 60 KB) Sets out requirements and safeguards in relation to onshore hydraulic fracturing in England and Wales. 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 Department of Energy and Climate Change - surface development restrictions for hydraulic fracturing - consultation (Nov 2015) (pdf / 369 KB) Consultation on proposed restrictions on surface development through the petroleum exploration and development licence. 2015. Added since preferred options stage
 United Kingdom Onshore Operators Group community engagement charter (pdf / 216 KB) Industry's charter on community engagement. Added since preferred options stage
 Environment Agency - onshore oil and gas sector guidance (Aug 2016) (pdf / 1 MB) Sets out which environmental permits are required for onshore oil and gas operations in England. Added since preferred options stage
 DECC - The Carboniferous Bowland Shale gas study: geology and resource estimation (pdf / 25 MB) Report summarises the background geological knowledge and methodology which has enabled a preliminary in-place gas resource calculation to be undertaken for the Bowland-Hodder (Carboniferous) shale gas play across a large area of central Britain. 2013. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Developing onshore shale gas and oil - facts about fracking (Dec 2013) (pdf / 642 KB) Guide containing on overview of general facts about fracking. December 2013. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Onshore oil and gas exploration regulation and best practice - England (Dec 2013) (pdf / 821 KB) Offers introduction to and guidance on planning and permitting for onshore oil and gas. It focuses on unconventional oil and gas. December 2013. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - planning permission and communities (February 2014) (pdf / 276 KB) This guide explains the planning process and what industry is doing to engage communities in relation to fracking. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - air quality (February 2014) (pdf / 211 KB) Guide outlines concerns and potential impact of shale development on air quality and what the Government and others are doing to manage these risks. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - safety from design to commissioning (February 2014) (pdf / 318 KB) Guide explains what safety measures have been put in place for fracking. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - regulation and monitoring (February 2014) (pdf / 213 KB) Guide sets out which bodies are responsible for overseeing the shale gas and oil industry, and its processes, from licensing to production. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - climate change (February 2014) (pdf / 187 KB) Provides information about the impact of fracking on climate change. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - water (February 2014) (pdf / 167 KB) This guide explains what government and others will do to manage the risk to water. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 DECC - Fracking UK shale - understanding the earthquake risk (February 2014) (pdf / 440 KB) This guide explains the risks of tremors from fracking and what government is doing in relation to this. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage

Waste specific

Title and link Brief description Published
 Waste specific evidence base paper (pdf / 3 MB) Provides background information about the waste generated and management methods used in the North Yorkshire County Council area. August 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 North York Moors National Park waste technical paper (Oct 2015) (pdf / 1 MB) Technical paper about waste in the North York Moors National Park. October 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 City of York Council minerals and waste technical paper (pdf / 892 KB) Technical paper about minerals and waste in the City of York area. November 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 North Yorkshire sub-region - waste arisings and capacity requirements update report (pdf / 4 MB) The report presents a detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for the North Yorkshire sub-region. Update to the May 2015 'North Yorkshire sub-region waste arisings and capacity requirements addendum report'. September 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 Waste net self-sufficiency paper (pdf / 504 KB) A review of waste policy approaches by adjoining waste planning authorities and other waste planning authorities which are known to be 'significant' exporters of waste to the joint plan area. July 2016. Updated since preferred options stage
 Fairhurst - Identification of potential locations for built waste management facilities (pdf / 10 MB) A review of potential locations for new or enhanced built waste management facilities within the three authorities covered by the minerals and waste joint plan. March 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Identification of potential locations for waste management facilities (pdf / 8 MB) Further assessment by the joint plan authorities of the locations identified by Fairhurst. August 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Yorkshire and Humber waste position statement (pdf / 1 MB) This statement provides key background information about waste and assists with coordination in strategic planning for waste planning authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber area. February 2016. Added since preferred options stage
 Yorkshire and Humber Waste Technical Advisory Body (WTAB) memorandum of understanding (pdf / 113 KB) This is an agreement between waste planning authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber region regarding working together to deal with waste. July 2016. Added since Preferred Options stage
 Lets talk less rubbish (pdf / 740 KB) Municipal waste management strategy for City of York and North Yorkshire 2006-2026. June 2006
 Tees Valley joint waste management strategy (Jun 2008) (pdf / 1 MB) Joint waste strategy for the Tees Valley. June 2008. Added since issues and options stage

National documents

 National planning policy for waste (pdf / 208 KB) National planning policy for waste which replaces the PPS10 document. October 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 Waste management plan for England (pdf / 316 KB) The waste management plan for England is a high level, non-site specific, document which provides an analysis of the current waste management situation in England, and evaluates how it will support the implementation of the objectives and provisions of the revised European waste framework directive. December 2013
 DECC - Anaerobic digestion strategy and action plan (2011) (pdf / 1 MB) Plan to enable anaerobic digestion industry to grow in England. 2011. Added since issues and options stage

Safeguarding specific

Title and link Brief description Published
Minerals safeguarding areas for North Yorkshire County Council report (See below) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the North Yorkshire County Council plan area. 2011
 Mineral safeguarding areas for the City of York (pdf / 10 MB) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the City of York Council Plan area. 2013
 Mineral safeguarding areas for North York Moors National Park (pdf / 8 MB) BGS report assessing and outlining possible safeguarding areas for the mineral resources in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park Plan area. 2013
 Cross boundary minerals safeguarding (pdf / 4 MB) Evidence paper outlining where North Yorkshire County Council has cross boundary minerals safeguarding areas with adjoining authorities. July 2016. Updated since preferred options stage
 Safeguarding of minerals infrastructure paper (pdf / 31 MB) An evidence paper containing information on minerals transport infrastructure and minerals ancillary infrastructure. March 2015. Updated since issues and options stage
 Safeguarding of waste infrastructure (pdf / 24 MB) An evidence paper providing the background to why waste infrastructure has been safeguarded and identifying the waste infrastructure which has been safeguarded at different stages of the Plan development April 2017. Updated since Publication stage

Landscape and environmental specific

Title and link Brief description Published
Local core documents - managing landscape change project April 2012 (See below) An environmental evidence base which considers environmental sensitivities and capacity in North Yorkshire. April 2012
 Climate change action plan for York 2010-13 (pdf / 2 MB) Delivery mechanism to achieving the long-term climate change framework for York. -
 Climate change framework for York 2010-15 (pdf / 1 MB) This will enable York to coordinate and drive forward actions to reduce CO2 and other emissions across the city. -
 City of York Council adopted low emission strategy (2012) (pdf / 4 MB) Aims to reduce emissions of air pollution in York which have an impact on climate change and public health. 2012
 North Yorkshire County Council - delivering on climate change (pdf / 243 KB) North Yorkshire County Council climate change strategy. December 2009
 City of York Council - heritage topic paper update (pdf / 1 MB) This document sets out to examine and assess existing evidence relating to the city of York's historic environment and how it can be used to develop a strategic understanding of the city's special qualities. 2013. Added since issues and options stage

Other relevant evidence documents

Title and link Brief description Published


 North Yorkshire community plan 2014-17 (pdf / 260 KB) This is a refresh of the longer term sustainable community strategy which was published in 2011. 2014. Updated since issues and options stage
 Sustainable community strategy for North Yorkshire 2008-18 (pdf / 254 KB) This sets out the overarching strategic direction and long-term, sustainable vision for the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of North Yorkshire. 2008
 City of York Council Plan 2015 - 2019 (pdf / 4 MB) The sustainable community strategy for York. -
 Redcar and Cleveland sustainable community strategy (pdf / 128 KB) Sets out the long-term vision and priority objectives for the borough up to 2021. 2008
 North York Moors National Park core strategy and development policies (pdf / 3 MB) In the context of the minerals and waste joint plan, sets out the overarching approach for planning in the National Park (the detailed minerals and waste policies will be replaced by the joint plan). 2008
 North York Moors National Park management plan - First Review (Dec 2016) (pdf / 6 MB) Sets out the broad framework for managing the National Park over the next 15 years, as well as detailed policies and targets up to 2017. 2012
Local core documents - transport Documents relating to transport specific to North Yorkshire. -
 The strategy for York 2011-25 (pdf / 528 KB) Strategic plan which sets out a long-term vision for the city of York and a new set of immediate priorities. Added since issues and options stage


 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding enterprise partnership - strategic economic plan (pdf / 3 MB) The draft strategic economic plan. December 2013
 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding strategic economic plan - sections 1 and 2 (pdf / 3 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding. March 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding strategic economic plan - section 3 (pdf / 4 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding. March 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan (pdf / 533 KB) Spatial plan for York, North Yorkshire and East Riding to support delivery of sustainable development. July 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan key diagram (pdf / 252 KB) Key diagram to accompany the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding spatial plan. July 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Leeds city region - strategic economic plan (pdf / 2 MB) Strategic economic plan to promote growth in the Leeds City Region. March 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 Tees Valley minerals and waste core strategy (pdf / 20 MB) Adopted minerals and waste plan for the Tees Valley. September 2011. Added since issues and options stage
 Tees Valley strategic economic plan (pdf / 13 MB) Strategic economic plan for the Tees Valley. April 2014. Added since issues and options stage


 National planning policy framework 2012 (pdf / 2 MB) National planning policy document replacing many of the previous planning documents with the exception of waste. March 2012
National planning policy guidance Online national planning policy guidance to accompany the national planning policy framework. March 2014. Added since issues and options stage

Preferred options specific evidence

Title and link Brief description Published
 Audit trail of policy options from issues and options to preferred options (pdf / 709 KB) Provides an audit trail of the policy options from the issues and options stage into preferred options. July 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Identification of alternative options and progression to preferred options (pdf / 4 MB) Audit trail of progression of comments from issues and options stage to preferred options stage, including identifying and progressing suggested alternative options. July 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Policy option proformas (pdf / 5 MB) Proformas showing the development of policies following the issues and options consultation stage. August 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Duty to cooperate summary document for preferred option stage (pdf / 5 MB) Summary of duty to cooperate activity which has occurred up to and including preferred options stage. October 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Topic papers - minerals preferred options stage (pdf / 2 MB) Updated topic papers to support development of preferred options document. August 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 North Yorkshire sub-region, waste arisings and capacity requirements - addendum report (pdf / 1 MB) Update to October 2013 North Yorkshire sub-region, waste arisings and capacity requirements final report and accompanying note. May 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Consultation findings and waste planning guidance compatibility check (pdf / 1 MB) Summary of consultation findings (Spring 2014 consultation) and results of compatibility check with October 2014 changes to waste planning policy and guidance. January 2015

Issues and options specific evidence

Title and link Brief description Published
 Derivation of options presented in the issues and options document (pdf / 671 KB) Table showing derivation of the options which are presented in the issues and options consultation document. February 2014. Added since issues and options stage
 Minerals and waste spatial maps and supporting information (pdf / 3 MB) Minerals and waste spatial plans from issues and options stage and supporting information. August 2015. Added since issues and options stage
 Mineral spatial sub-areas table (pdf / 4 MB) Table describing characteristics of mineral spatial sub areas described in the minerals and waste joint plan. February 2014
 Topic papers - minerals issues and options stage (pdf / 4 MB) Topic papers providing background information on different mineral types for the issues and options consultation. February 2014
 Topic papers - waste (pdf / 4 MB) Topic papers providing background information on waste for the issues and options consultation. February 2014
 North Yorkshire sub-region, waste arisings and capacity requirements - interim report (pdf / 2 MB) This interim report provides information relating to the arisings for each waste stream in the North Yorkshire sub-region, and also provides information on the cross boundary movement of waste across the North Yorkshire sub-region. October 2013
 North Yorkshire sub-region, waste arisings and capacity requirements - final report (pdf / 2 MB) The report presents a detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park, North York Moors National Park and City of York Council. October 2013
 Waste arisings and capacity requirements study - non-technical summary (pdf / 335 KB) Non-technical summary for the 'waste arisings and capacity report' which presents a detailed assessment of need for future waste management facilities up to 2030 for North Yorkshire County Council, Yorkshire Dales National Park, North York Moors National Park and City of York Council. July 2014

Local core documents - managing landscape change project April 2012

The managing landscape change project was commissioned to develop an environmental evidence base and assess environmental sensitivities and capacity in North Yorkshire to inform a spatial planning strategy for the extraction of minerals.

In January 2011 North Yorkshire County Council, with funding provided by English Heritage, commissioned consultants to 'develop an environmental evidence base and assess environmental sensitivities and capacity in North Yorkshire to inform a spatial planning strategy for the extraction of minerals.' The work is intended, in part, to inform preparation of a Minerals and Waste Development Framework for North Yorkshire and was carried out by Capita Symonds working with Oxford Archaeology North between April 2011 and April 2012.

The project was a multi-disciplinary project seeking to assess environmental character and capacity for areas of surface mineral resource potential, covering historic environment as well as biodiversity and landscape issues, to inform the preparation of the North Yorkshire Minerals Core Strategy.

The project has now been completed and reports produced under the title 'Managing Landscape Change: A multi-disciplinary approach to future mineral extraction in North Yorkshire'. The reports are available below under the Local core documents section.

A summary of the main findings and recommendations of the Managing Landscape Change Project are available in the Stage 5 - Final report. It is intended that the information will form part of the evidence base for the development of North Yorkshire County Council's Minerals Core Strategy.

The file sizes of some of the evidence base documents may be large, if you experience difficulty viewing or downloading particular documents please contact us with your contact details and details of the documents you require and we will endeavour to put them on a CD and send it to you.

Project aims

The principal aim of this project was to develop an environmental evidence base and assess environmental sensitivities and capacity to inform a spatial planning strategy for the extraction of minerals within North Yorkshire. This was to:

  • provide an improved environmental evidence base for the development of the North Yorkshire Minerals Core Strategy and to help ensure that environmental considerations can be considered on an equal basis with social and economic considerations
  • inform the development of a spatial planning strategy for the extraction of minerals within North Yorkshire
  • inform the assessment of environmental constraints and potential of areas and sites under consideration within the Minerals and Waste development Framework (MWDF) for future mineral working
  • inform the identification of appropriate development management policies relating to mineral extraction and the environment, including policies and approaches to mitigate the impacts of mineral working
  • inform the preparation of potential Supplementary Planning Documents or other informal planning advice to guide implementation of environmental policy within the MWDF, including post-quarry restoration strategies
  • enhance the understanding of the environment of areas of surface minerals resource potential within North Yorkshire amongst the minerals industry and the public

The full reports and appendices are available to view below. A summary of the project is available in Stage 5 Final Report.

Useful documents