Do I need planning permission in the Hambleton area?

We answer this question in different ways, depending on whether you wish to alter or extend your home or carry out some other form of development.

Planning permission is usually needed by someone who is looking to:

  • build something new
  • make a change to your building, for example, building an extension
  • change the use of your building or land

It will be granted (possibly subject to certain conditions) or refused. It is your responsibility for seeking, or not seeking, planning permission. If required, it should be granted before any work begins.

Planning permission is usually required for most new buildings, major alterations to existing buildings and significant changes to the use of a building or piece of land need this permission.

If your project falls within permitted development you can start work, subject to gaining any other necessary consent, such as building regulations approvals. Proposals that fall outside permitted development regulations will need planning permission.

Permitted development

Some development, known as permitted development, does not require planning permission which means that it is possible to carry out certain alterations to your home only, without any need for planning permission. You can find out more information on the following links:

You can find out more information about whether planning permission is needed on the Planning Portal including non-domestic and other projects such as changes of use, adverts and signs and works to trees and hedgerows.

Flats and maisonettes are not subject to the same permitted development rights as houses. Alterations and extensions to flats and maisonettes may often require planning permission.

Additionally, in some cases permitted development rights can be withdrawn or modified:

  • locally by conditions attached to planning permissions if a property is subject to an Article 4 Direction
  • within a conservation area, listed building or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

How to apply

We offer a service where you can find out whether your planning proposal requires planning permission.

If you have checked the permitted development regulations and are still uncertain whether you will need planning permission or not, you can submit a residential development enquiry form to get an informal answer. This completed form and supporting documents, along with a fee of £74 can be used by our planning officers to determine whether a proposal can be carried out under the permitted development regulations or whether it needs planning permission:

If we answer telling you that planning permission is not required this is an important document that you should keep so that any future enquiries (such as at the time of sale) you can show your solicitor that no consent was necessary for the work you carried out.

If we answer telling you that planning permission is required you will still need to submit an application for which a further fee will be payable. If a planning application is necessary the £74 fee is not refundable.

If we advise that you need building regulations approval, we recommend that you follow this up with North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership because it is legally separate from planning controls.

This type of enquiry can be submitted for householder proposals only. If your development is non-domestic, you can email us at, and we will let you know within 10 working days if you will need planning permission and how to achieve this.

We are unfortunately unable to confirm over the telephone or via the drop in service whether you definitely require planning permission or not.

Further information

A formal, legally binding determination of whether planning permission is required can be sought by means of an application for a Lawful Development Certificate. Guidance on this can be found the Planning Portal: Lawful Development Certificate (LDC)

You can download the relevant legislation from the Planning Reform: Supporting the high street and increasing the delivery of new homes

If your property is a listed building, you may also need to apply for listed building consent.

Live or work in the North York Moors National Park?

If you live or work in the North York Moors National Park you will need to contact the North York Moors National Park Authority which deals with planning within this area of the Hambleton District. Further information can be found on the North York Moors website.

You can check if your address falls under the jurisdiction of the North York Moors National Park Authority on the Hambleton Your Area map.

(The area shaded in green falls under the control of the North York Moors National Park).