Apply for planning permission in the Hambleton area

We accept planning applications electronically through the use of the Planning Portal.

The service is easy to use and will ensure that you submit the correct application form for your development.

On submitting a planning application, additional documents need to be included as part of the validation process.

You can find the documents required under national validation criteria on the government's website.

Biodiversity net gain will be a statutory requirement for major planning applications from 12 February 2024. Further information regarding this can be found on our biodiversity net gain page.

In most cases, a fee is payable with your application. These are set by the government and you can calculate your fee using the Planning Portal fee calculator. If in doubt, please ask us before you submit your application.

The quickest and easiest way to pay your fee is to make use of the Planning Portal. Alternatively, you can pay by card, cash or cheque. Please note that if you make an application using the Planning Portal, your payment will need to be paid via the Planning Portal and not directly to us.

We will let you know, normally within five working days, if any further information is needed to make your application valid.

When your application is complete, we will register and acknowledge it normally within five working days. The acknowledgement will give the name, telephone number and email address of the case officer dealing with the application. A target date by which we aim to make a decision will be set out. This will normally be eight weeks after the receipt of your valid application. This date may change if, for example, amendments are needed.

You must certify whether you are the sole owner of the application site. If not, you will have to serve notice on all the owners of the land to which your application relates. If you aren't certain who owns all of the land please seek advice.

It is often helpful to appoint an agent to act on your behalf; this could be the person who drew the plans for you. If you have an agent they will be sent all relevant correspondence and will be contacted if we think the application could be improved by amendment. They will be also sent notice of the decision.

It will be your agents' responsibility to keep you informed of what is happening to your application. Normally, we will not contact you directly if you employ an agent.