Tens of thousands of volunteers have been praised for their work to support grassroots sport to improve health across North Yorkshire and bring communities together to tackle social isolation.
Closer links with thousands of smaller businesses which form the foundations of North Yorkshire’s economy are set to be built upon to support council services across the county.
Detailed proposals on how local people will be able to help influence future housing and industrial developments in North Yorkshire are being drawn up.
Thousands of North Yorkshire children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities are set to benefit from an updated strategy enabling them to be safe, happy, healthy and to achieve their goals.
Nine new housing enforcement officers have been recruited to help tackle rogue landlords and boost housing conditions in an ambitious new scheme for North Yorkshire.
Electors are being urged to return their postal votes in good time to ensure their vote counts in next week’s parliamentary by-election for the Selby and Ainsty constituency.
Destinations in North Yorkshire which are famed across the globe will be used as the foundations for enticing more visitors to the county under a pioneering new strategy that is being developed.
As the cost-of-living crisis puts greater financial pressure on households, North Yorkshire’s summer holiday programme has never before provided a greater lifeline for families on free school meals.