Families have welcomed a decision to introduce a council tax premium on second homes to help to tackle a critical lack of affordable housing that is undermining North Yorkshire’s communities.
Community leaders and business owners have welcomed the announcement that a sporting event expected to bring up to £2 million into the North Yorkshire economy has a new host town.
Rural communities across North Yorkshire are being showcased in a new radio programme which has been launched to highlight the work of the county’s farmers and food producers.
The picturesque lighthouse in Whitby and sea walls at Scarborough Harbour are set for significant investment as part of our ongoing commitment to improve its harbours.
The key role of hundreds of volunteers who are available to deal with emergencies is being honed to ensure that the response across North Yorkshire can be even more effective.
An 18th century bridge linking the east and west sides of Tadcaster will be able to remain open for longer following the results of a new bridge assessment.