An ambitious new housing strategy to meet the needs of residents across the county - including the development of at least 500 more council homes - has been adopted by us.
The critical need to recruit up to 1,000 more foster carers in the region will be highlighted after we has joined forces with other local authorities for a national campaign.
Hundreds of people have come forward to find out more information about volunteering following a campaign to highlight the vital work to deliver services to communities across North Yorkshire.
Residents and holidaymakers are being reminded of the areas along the picturesque North Yorkshire coastline that dogs are still welcome as restrictions have been introduced on beaches during the summer months.
A carefully crafted book detailing the role of women of past and present is on display courtesy of villagers from a long-standing Women’s Institute (WI).
A young girl who has endured a series of major operations was among the children honoured in the first ever awards to recognise youngsters in North Yorkshire’s Armed Forces communities.