Plans have been submitted by Brierley Homes for an ambitious 34-home scheme that will help preserve a North Yorkshire village’s past while building for its future.
School pupils from across North Yorkshire and York have been given key advice on healthy living after gathering to celebrate a scheme aimed at promoting well-being from a young age.
A development chef whose pioneering recipes have improved meals for thousands of pupils across North Yorkshire has won a major accolade in the hospitality industry.
The sixth-form of a North Yorkshire high school is set to close at the end of next month (August) as there are currently no pupils studying at the site after the age of 16.
The Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire has paid tribute to the dedication and service of a host of people who have been honoured in the King’s Birthday Honours.
Voters are being urged to bring photographic identification to polling stations as the first General Election is staged in North Yorkshire since a national crackdown to tackle electoral fraud.
Rogue business owners who sell vapes to underage children have been warned that they will be brought to justice after two people were fined following undercover trading standards operations.
A “wonderfully inclusive” primary school which provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils who are eager to learn has received a glowing Ofsted report.