Tenant engagement in Selby

Find out how we involve housing tenants and leaseholders in the Selby area in developing our housing services.

We welcome tenants and leaseholders to share their views and opinions with us.

Getting involved will give you the chance to: 

  • have your say
  • be actively involved in shaping our housing services
  • be part of a group that reviews progress and provides recommendations
  • make your local community a more enjoyable place to live 
  • meet similar minded people

Where you can get involved

Scrutiny panel

This is a small team of tenants that meets monthly to scrutinise the housing services we deliver to tenants. 

The panel:

  • gives an independent view of housing performance
  • works independently of all other existing tenant groups
  • highlights what the housing team does well and what it needs to improve
  • reports back to tenants and service managers on recommendations to improve services and implement change
  • networks with other tenant scrutiny panels and housing organisations
  • contributes to and supports the annual report to tenants

Successful reviews in recent years have led to service improvements including a repair satisfaction survey, reintroduction of the tenant handbook, pre-tenancy inspections and improved communications through the Open Door tenant newsletter and social media.

To find out the skills required to join the panel, see the panel member person specification here.

To apply to join the scrutiny panel, contact us.

Applicants for the panel will have their skills assessed against a set criteria and then be invited to discuss the process.

Repairs and maintenance group

This is a core group that meets quarterly and represents all tenants to drive improvement in our property services team.
The group gets the opportunity to meet with the team and housing management to discuss what matters to tenants about their homes and future investment.

Different issues will be put forward for the group to consider and provide suitable recommendations to improve the delivery of services to tenants.

The group does not get involved in discussions about individual repairs.

To tell us about a repair that has gone well or report a repair you’re dissatisfied with, please complete our online repairs satisfaction survey or contact us

Estate walkabouts

Join a quarterly resident-led walk through your local area with our officers and supporting services such as the police to highlight issues and develop a suitable action plan for improvement where you live.

Heard from home surveys

Provide us with invaluable feedback through quick ad hoc surveys as part of our consultation into new or existing services.

To receive these surveys, please contact us

Editorial panel - Open Doors newsletter

Help us develop, review and suggest content on a quarterly basis for your Open Door tenant and leaseholder newsletter to ensure it contains the information you need and keeps you up to date about our work.

Meet your tenant participation officer

A key part of the tenant participation officer role is engaging with tenants and leaseholders, and supporting resident groups to help them become more involved in the decisions made about our housing services. 

Contact us if you have a question or want to have your say.