Your new home and tenancy in Selby

All properties that we rent out will meet our lettable standard, which is the minimum standard of repair that you can expect from us.

Before you move in to your new home, we will check it to make sure it is safe, secure, clean and in a good state of repair.

You will receive a copy of the lettable standard document in your sign up pack. You can also read the lettable standard here.

If you are an introductory tenant, you will receive a visit from your neighbourhood officer within four weeks of your tenancy start date.

Moving checklist

It can be stressful moving into a new home. Follow our top tips for an easier transition: 

  1. Rent is due weekly and must be kept up to date. Find out about payment options or pay your rent online here
  2. Contact gas, water and / or electricity suppliers to set up or change your utilities account.
  3. Take meter readings as soon as you move in (your neighbourhood officer will have pointed out your meter locations at sign up).
  4. If your new home has a gas supply, call our in-house repairs team to arrange to uncap the gas so it is ready to use. Contact us.
  5. Contact us  to set up or change your council tax payments, update the electoral register and inform our benefits team if you are a claimant.
  6. Buildings insurance is already in place for your home but you will need to arrange contents insurance for your personal belongings. We offer contents insurance through Simple. Find out more on our insurance page
  7. Redirect your mail from your previous address. You can arrange this on the Royal Mail website
  8. Arrange a TV licence. Visit the TV Licensing website or call 0870 241 6484.
  9. Tell your doctor, dentist, bank, employer, relevant schools, DVLA and any other organisations you have accounts with, about your new address.
  10. If you install a telephone line, please let us know your number.

Your tenancy

As part of signing for your new home, you are given a copy of your tenancy agreement. This is a legal contract between you and us and sets out what is required of you as a tenant and us as a landlord.

It is important that you understand the terms and conditions of your tenancy. If you do something that breaks this agreement, we may take action against you.

Please keep your tenancy agreement in a safe place, as you may need to refer to it in the future. 

The types of tenancy we can use as a local authority landlord are set out in law and are listed below. The type of tenancy you have depends on your circumstances.

Introductory tenancy

Introductory tenancies are commonly referred to as probationary tenancies. They are usually given to new tenants and last for 12 months.

You will have the same responsibilities as flexible and secure tenants but not the same amount of rights. During this time, we will make sure you are happy in your home and are able to meet the conditions set out in your tenancy agreement.

We are committed to tackling anti- social behaviour and use introductory tenancies to help make our communities safe and pleasant places to live.

If your tenancy is conducted in a satisfactory way you will automatically become either a flexible or secure tenant, depending on your situation. If there are some issues with your tenancy that you are addressing, we may look to extend the probationary period for a further six months.

If you do not meet the conditions of your tenancy, which includes keeping your rent account up to date, we may serve notice on you. This could result in you losing your home.

Within your first 12 months as our tenant, your neighbourhood officer will complete a minimum of three home visits to ensure that there are no issues with your tenancy and provide, or signpost you to, the support you require. You will get advance notification of the visits.

Secure tenancy

A secure tenancy is commonly referred to as a lifetime tenancy. You can remain in your home for as long as you like, as long as you keep to the terms of your tenancy agreement.

People are offered a secure tenancy for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are one of our existing secure tenants and are moving to another of our properties.
  2. They are an applicant moving into sheltered housing.
  3. They are an applicant of state pensionable age or over.
  4. They are an applicant who is vulnerable, unable to take care of themselves, protect themselves from harm or prevent themselves from being exploited.

Flexible tenancy

Flexible tenancies last for a fixed period. In most cases they are initially granted for a period of five years and can be renewed for a further five or two years.

Flexible tenants have the same rights and responsibilities as secure tenants.

This tenancy type allows us to make better use of our available properties and manage them more effectively. Longer term, many new tenants may not need the assistance that social housing provides. They may be able to consider alternative housing options such as renting privately, renting to buy, or shared ownership.

Within six to nine months of your flexible tenancy coming to an end, we will conduct a review to consider whether you will be offered a further tenancy, or whether an alternative property may be more appropriate for you. 

Joint tenancy

A joint tenancy is when you sign your introductory, secure or flexible tenancy agreement with someone else.

As joint tenants, you are both responsible for meeting the conditions set out in the tenancy agreement. A joint tenancy can be ended by either tenant and will bring the tenancy to an end for both of you.

If you start off as a sole tenant, you may later request to enter into a joint tenancy with someone else, such as your partner. We will decide whether or not we can grant your request. We will consider factors such as whether you have any rent arrears, how long the other person has lived with you and whether the person owns a property or holds a tenancy elsewhere.

Tenant rights

The rights listed below apply to all types of tenancy.

You have the right to:

  • live in your home without the threat of being evicted without good cause, known as security of tenure
  • repair and compensation
  • be consulted about the management of your home
  • information about the management of your home
  • pass on your home when you die, known as succession

The rights listed below only apply to secure and flexible tenancies (sole or joint). They do not apply to an introductory tenancy.

You have the right to:

  • make improvements or alterations with permission
  • compensate for improvements with permission
  • assign, take in lodgers and sub-let part of your home with permission 
  • exchange your home, known as mutual exchange
  • buy your home