Rent payments for homes and garages in the Selby area

Find out about the methods you can use to pay home and garage rents.

Online payment

You can pay your housing rent quickly, easily and securely online. 

Pay housing rent online

Direct Debit

Payments can be made directly from your bank or building society account.

To set up a Direct Debit, please complete the  housing rent mandate (pdf / 335 KB) or the  garage rent mandate (pdf / 331 KB).

For further details, contact us.

Direct debit payments are easier for you. You know exactly how much you will be paying each week or month and only the money that is owed will be paid. Direct debit is the most cost-effective way of managing payments, helping to keep costs down for everyone.

Telephone payments

Payments can be made using your debit or credit card when you contact us.

Failure to pay

If you fail to pay your rent under the terms of your tenancy agreement, you could lose your home. If legal action is taken to obtain a county court judgment you should be aware this will seriously affect your future ability to obtain credit. If you are having difficulties paying your rent, contact us to let us know. Failure to pay your garage rent will result in your garage tenancy being terminated under the terms of your tenancy.

In many cases we will be able to help you and by making an early arrangement you may be able to avoid court proceedings and extra costs being incurred.

Rent policy

A new Rent Policy was published for April 2020 in line with our tenants’ rent changes.

The purpose of the policy is to:

  • ensure that rents are set in accordance with relevant statutory and regulatory obligations
  • ensure that rents are set at a level which ensures we meet our responsibilities to customers, maintain stock at a high standard, plan for future investment and continue to function as a financially viable organisation
  • protect tenants from excessive increases in rents
  • help ensure sub-market rents are being provided to those in housing need
  • provide a clear framework for our approach to setting social and affordable rent on existing and new-build council homes and any property acquisitions that are assimilated into the housing stock

 You can read the 2020 rent policy here (pdf / 175 KB)