Selby housing repairs: targets for completion

Type of repair Responsibility How long will it take? Comments
Boilers - solid fuel
Drain down back boiler to make safe Us 24 hours Elderly, disabled, medical or young children only
Repair back boiler Us 5 days Providing type of boiler is available (parts are often needed for boilers, if so, we will keep you informed)
Central heating
1 October to 30 April Us 24 hours Elderly, disabled, medical or young children only
1 May to 30 September Us 5 days  
Partial failure 
Airlock in radiator
Tenant 5 days Tenants responsibility
Make safe dangerous chimney Us 24 hours Unless on imminent contract
Repair to chimney pot cowl or chimney stack Us 25 days  
Blocked flue Us  24 hours  
Chimney sweeping Us 
6 monthly
Repairs to flashings Us 25 days  
Re-bed and repoint joints to roof tiles Us 25 days  
Stairs and lifts
Stairs and lifts not working Us 24 hours Disabled and young children
Repair banister rail  Us  5 days  
Repairs to stair case Us 25 days Treads loose - 24 hours
External walls make safe Us 24 hours  
External brickwork including pointing Us 25 days  
External rendering Us  25 days  
Internal plastering Us  25 days  
Broken glass Us / tenant 5 days Glass replaced where police involved and incident number given. Alternatively we will board up and secure the property Providing window can be secured - if not then 24 hours
Broken glass in communal areas (where not an emergency) Us 5 days  
Secure window frame Us 24 hours  
Reputty window Us 25 days  
Repair where window cannot be opened or closed Us 5 days  
Window cannot be opened or closed on ground floor Us 24 hours  
Ease, oil and adjust Us 25 days  
Repair or replace window catches Us 25 days  
Fix new window frame sills Us 25 days  
Rain penetration Us 25 days  
Worktops provided by us Us 25 days Where due to fair wear and tear
Clothes lines / posts
Line Tenant    
Posts Us 25 days Council will remove from site if requested
Communal clothes line and rotary driers Us 25 days  
Coal bunkers
Coal bunkers supplied by us Us 25 days We supply bunkers when there is no outhouse
Mould growth less than 25 per cent Tenant 25 days We will advise on condensation prevention
Mould growth more than 25 per cent Us 25 days Mould eradication kit supplied
Cookers Tenant   Except at hostels
External / internal decorations after disruptive repairs Us / tenant 25 days Tenant given re-decoration allowance
Internal decoration Tenant    
Internal decoration after contract work Tenant    
Make safe or secure external door Us 24 hours  
Gain access - keys lost etc. Us / tenant  24 hours Lost keys are tenants' responsibility. Rechargeable.
Glazing to external doors Us 5 days Glass replaced where the police are involved and incident number given - rechargeable
Repair or replace unusable locks to external doors Us 24 hours  
Useable but sticking lock Us 25 days Alternatively, we will board up and secure the property within 24 hours
Repairs to internal doors, locks and handles Us 25 days Excludes tenant damage
Kitchen cupboards Us 25 days  
Repairs to internal cupboard doors and catches Us 25 days  
Letter plates / numbers Us  25 days  
Door knockers and door bells Tenant / us 25 days Door bells for sheltered accommodation - responsibility of us
Letter UPVC doors Us 25 days  
Blocked drains Us  24 hours Council owned drains only
No electricity at all Us 24 hours  
No lights at all Us  24 hours  
Lights and / or power to only part of property Us 24 hours  
Check electrics after water penetration Us 24 hours  
Dangerous or exposed wires Us  24 hours  
Repair or renew fuse box Us 24 hours  
All other internal electric work Us 25 days  
Fuse plugs on appliances Tenant   No exceptions
Communal hallway lighting and landing lights Us 5 days Complete lighting failure - 24 hours
All bulbs / tubes Tenant   Except communal areas
Smoke detectors Us 24 hours If due to battery failure we may recharge the tenant for the cost of the visit.
Smoke detector batteries Tenant   Only in exceptional circumstances
Carbon monoxide detectors Us 24 hours  
Fences / Gates
Repairs to fences and gates Us 25 days Only to council installed fences
Gate catches and locks Us 25 days  
Fire grates and other parts Us 25 days Depends on type or part required
Tiled surround Us 25 days  
Tiles to surround Us  25 days  
Smoke problems  Us 25 days  
Glass to solid fuel heater Us  5 days Depends if the only source of heating is smoking and how long since chimney swept.
Floorboards  Us 25 days (if dangerous, 24 hours) Except where damaged by tenant or by tenants' contractor
Floor tiles
Quarry tiles Us 25 days  
Rescreed floor / concrete floor Us 25 days Subject to severity and possible structural survey
Repair / replace skirting boards Us 25 days  
Garage door locks Us 5 days  
Keys to garage Tenant   Lost keys - tenants responsibility
Defective roofs Us 25 days  
Light in garage Us 25 days Not bulbs
Repairs to garage doors Us 25 days 24 hours if unable to get car out
Gas escapes Us / tenant 24 hours Report immediately to Transco
Total failure to gas heating fitted and / or approved by us Us 24 hours  
Meters Transco    
Gas cookers, connection pipes and other tenant appliances Tenant   No exceptions
Clear blocked gutter Us 25 days  
Replace broken gutter Us  25 days  
Remake leaking gutter joints Us 25 days  
Replace fascia board under gutter Us 25 days Unless on imminent contract
Immersion heater
Only form of water heating Us 24 hours  
Repair / replace      
If alternative water heating available - repair / replace Us 5 days Unless tenant is elderly or has medical grounds
Outhouse / sheds
Lights in outhouse Us  25 days Only brick / concrete structures
Other repairs to outhouse Us 25 days Unless tenant is elderly or has medical grounds
Locks Us 25 days As above
Lost keys Tenant   Lost keys tenants responsibility - rechargeable if work undertaken by Us
Glazing Us / tenant 25 days Possible recharge
Paths / external steps
Repairs to paths Us 25 days If representing a trip hazard - 5 days
Driveway and steps Us 25 days  
Replacement of paths Us   Future contract
Washing line path Us   Future contract
Pipes / tanks / cylinders
Burst pipes - internal Us 24 hours  
Burst pipes - external Us 24 hours  
Leaking soil pipe Us 5 days 24 hours if soil pipe is internal
Water hammer Us 25 days  
Refix rainwater pipes Us 25 days  
Replace section of vent pipe Us 25 days Provided that it is not leaking
Air lock Us 5 days No water from air lock - 24 hours
Burst tank Us 24 hours Given immediate attention
No water at all Us  24 hours As above
Continuous overflow Us 5 days  
Minor leaks - internal Us 5 days  
Faulty stop cock/valve Us  5 days  
Insulation to cylinder Us 25 days  
Insulation to pipes Us 25 days  
Manhole cover Us 25 days Unless dangerous - then 24 hours
Plumbing fittings
Blocked WC pan Us 24 hours In cases of abuse this repair may be rechargeable
Refix / replace WC pan Us 25 days Unless unusable then 24 hours
Blocked sink/bath/wash hand basin Us 5 days  
Replace sink/bath/wash hand basin Us 25 days Unless on imminent planned works
Refix wash hand basin brackets Us 5 days Breakages tenants responsibility – unless severe leak
Refix bathroom tiles SDC fitted tiles only Us 25 days Only first 1/2 courses of splash backs responsibility of Us
Refix bath panel and framework Us 25 days  
Plugs, chains and cleaning Tenant    
Taps will not turn off e.g. running full bore Us 24 hours  
Replacement tap Us 25 days Unless unusable, then 5 days
Other repairs to taps e.g. reseating and rewashering Us 25 days Unless unusable, then 5 days
Slipped tiles - dangerous Us 24 hours  
Make safe after storm damage Us 24 hours / 5 days dependent on risk As far as possible
Major roof repairs Us   Future contract
Rain penetration Us 5 days Dependent on severity
Refix or replace loose or cracked tiles or slates Us 25 days Dependent on severity and health and safety issues
Defects to roof outhouses or garages Us 25 days Make safe as soon as possible