Support for young and older people grants programme specification

Programme aims

This is an innovative grant pot to support projects that can provide additional targeted and intensive support to young people and older people to help them access, sustain and progress in training and employment.

Who can apply

Applications are welcome from partnerships, individual organisations and include voluntary, community, public and private sector organisations. We welcome consortium and partnership bids – all delivery partners should be clearly outlined in your application.

What will be funded

We are looking for innovative programmes that can support the following:

  1. Preventative work with young people 14-18 to support them to stay engaged in education, training and employment.
  2. Support for graduates to realise local opportunities and get into work
  3. Targeted and intensive support for young people 18-24 to get into and stay in work including specific support to overcome mental health issues.
  4. Support for over 50s to stay connected in labour market with specific support for self- employment and enterprise
  5. Intergenerational programmes that support the sharing of learnings and experience to benefit younger and older people. 

Activities focussed on but not limited to: 

  • training
  • mental health support
  • work experience
  • job searching
  • one-to-one bespoke support
  • specialist information advice and guidance


  • revenue only

Application and funding exclusions

For example, any ineligible types of organisation, locations, types of expenditure.

  • any project/programme which cannot be completed within the specified time frame will not be funded
  • capital expenditure will not be funded

Funding available

The total amount of grant funding available in this programme is £336,000.

The maximum award is £40,000 and the minimum award is £20,000.

No match funding is required.

Outputs and outcomes

Projects should aim to achieve a quantity of outputs and outcomes that is proportionate to the amount of funding being requested.

The full range of outputs and outcomes that this programme aims to achieve are listed below.

Preventative work - 14 to 18 years


  • 40 people supported to participate in education
  • 5 people taking part in work experience programmes
  • 4 people supported to engage in job searching


  • 16 people familiarised with employers’ expectations, including standards of behaviour in the workplace
  • 4 people engaged in job-searching following support

Graduate support


  • 10 people taking part in work experience programmes
  • 48 people supported to engage in job searching 
  • 20 people receiving support to gain employment


  • 40 people familiarised with employers expectations, including standards of behaviour in the workplace
  • 23 people engaged in job-searching following support
  • 16 people in employment, including self-employment, following support
  • 16 people sustaining employment for 6 months
  • 20 economically active individuals engaged in mainstream skills education and training

Young people support - 18 to 24 years


  • 10 people taking part in work experience programmes
  • 48 people supported to engage with job searching 
  • 20 people receiving support to gain employment


  • 12 people in employment, including self-employment, following support
  • 23 people engaged in job searching following support
  • 12 people sustaining employment for 6 months
  • 35 people familiarised with employers expectations, including standards of behaviour in the workplace
  • 20 economically active individuals engaged in mainstream skills education and training

50 plus support


  • 30 people retraining
  • 10 people supported to participate in education 


  • 40 economically active individuals engaged in mainstream skills education and training
  • 2 people in employment, including self-employment, following support
  • 2 people sustaining employment for 6 months

Intergenerational groups


20 people supported to participate in education

5 people taking part in work experience programmes


20 economically active individuals engaged in mainstream skills education and training

9 people familiarised with employers expectations, including standards of behaviour in the workplace

Particular demographics or places that projects should aim to target

  • 14 to 24 years of age
  • 50 plus years of age
  • geographic areas can be targeted if a high level of need is evidenced

Programme monitoring and evaluation requirements

Quarterly monitoring reports and high level process evaluation report to include: overview of the project, outputs and outcomes achieved, lessons learned for the future. Evaluation report upon project completion. More details will be included in funding agreement.

When do projects need to be completed by?

Start of projects: 1 April 2024

Completion of projects: 31 March 2025

Application appraisal methods and award timescales

Appraisal panel to meet in December 2023 and applicants to be notified in January 2024.

Opening date for applications

31 October 2023.

Closing date for applications

30 November 2023.

How to apply

Please complete a full application form which is available on the UK Shared Prosperity fund webpage in the application process section.

There are two application forms: one for requests of £25,000 and below, and one for requests over £25,000. Please use and complete the application form which corresponds to the amount of funding you are requesting.

Additional information

Labour market analysis report

Skills strategy 2021-2026