SEND preparing for adulthood

Advice and guidance on education, employment, independent living, community participation and health for young people with SEND who are moving into adulthood.

Preparing for adulthood is about helping you to plan for life after school or college and supporting you to be content and healthy.

To support you through this stage please use this  preparing for adulthood guide (pdf / 4 MB) which has been created by a team including young people and parents/carers. It is full of links and tips and it is hoped you will keep coming back to it when you are at different stages of getting ready to become an adult. 

While preparing for adulthood you may also:

  • further your education or develop skills for work
  • learn skills to be independent
  • maintain friendships, relationships and become part of the community
  • develop the knowledge to look after your own health needs

Sometimes young people with SEND need more time and support to be ready for life after school or college. This is ok and you may have people at home or in school or college who are able to help you.

Sometimes young people with SEND need more time and support to be ready for life after school or college. This is ok and you may have people at home or in school or college who are able to help you. If would like help to make small changes to improve your quality of life then Living Well is a free service that aims to improve the health, wellbeing and independence of adults. The Living Well team work with people who are isolated, vulnerable, bereaved, lacking confidence. Find out more information and apply on our Living Well in North Yorkshire page

It would be great if you could start discussing your future with your parents or carers and staff as soon as possible, so that they can help you with your choices. This will give you the best chance of achieving your hopes and aspirations.

Thinking about your future can be an exciting time for some young people but it may also make you anxious and worried. This is understandable and completely normal.

Often many young people don’t know what they want to do in the future, so it helps to follow what you enjoy doing now, such as your favourite hobby or lesson.

You can find out more about preparing for adulthood in our parents and carers section. If you wish to talk to someone about preparing for adulthood please contact us.