Safeguarding adults

We have zero tolerance to all forms of abuse. We always respond promptly when we are made aware of suspected abuse.

What does safeguarding adults mean?

Safeguarding adults means working together to stop abuse and prevent it from happening in the future. Everyone has a right to live a life free from abuse and neglect.

Reporting a safeguarding concern

If you or the person you are concerned about is in danger and immediate action is required, call the emergency services on 999.


If you are a member of the public and you or someone you know is at risk of abuse or neglect, you can contact us to speak to a specialist advisor. If you contact us out of hours, our Emergency Duty team will be available to take your call.

For more information about what abuse is and how to keep safe, visit the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board website.

Requesting support from adult social care

If you would like to request support from our adult social care team which is not a safeguarding concern, such as help with daily living, for yourself or someone you know please visit our request involvement from adult social care page


If you are a professional and need to raise a safeguarding concern complete our safeguarding form

If you have any problems with completing this form, please contact us. The Emergency Duty team will be available to take your call if you contact us out of hours.

Completing the safeguarding concern form must not delay immediate action being taken to ensure the safety of the person you are concerned about.

Complete the form according to the Joint Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures (West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire and the City of York) which can be found on the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board website.

If you have concerns about standards of care or poor practice in a care home, you can discuss this with the Care Quality Commission.

Professionals visiting a care home

The PERSON approach to professional visits form is intended as a prompt for professionals visiting residential settings. 

Where quality related issues are identified in a care home, visiting professionals are encouraged to discuss these in the first instance with the responsible person for the service, home manager or deputy and complete the PERSON form. The form can also be used to celebrate good quality care.

Risk notification returns for care providers

Providers carrying out any contracted service(s) are required to notify the Quality and Service Continuity Team (North Yorkshire Council) of any reportable incidents by completing a risk notification return without delay.

You can get a risk notification return form from our tools, procedures and guidelines for adult social care service providers page. Please return your completed form to us.

Request for an involvement from adult social care

If you would like to request an involvement from our adult social care team and not a safeguarding concern, please see the request involvement from adult social care page