Pannal and Burn Bridge Neighbourhood Plan Area: Declaration of Result of Poll

I, the Undersigned, being the Counting Officer for North Yorkshire Council at the above referendum held on 3 October 2024, do hereby give notice that the results of the votes cast is as follows:

Question: Do you want North Yorkshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Pannal and Burn Bridge to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

Votes Recorded Percentage

  • Number cast in favour of a Yes: 445 (95.7%)
  • Number cast in favour of a No: 20 (4.3%)
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: Number of ballot papers 
A want of an official mark 0
B voting for more answers than required 0
C writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 0
Total rejected 0
  • Electorate: 1997
  • Turnout: 23.28% 

And I do hereby declare that more than half of those voting have voted: Yes – in response to the question: “Do you want North Yorkshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Pannal and Burn Bridge to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Richard Flinton, Counting Officer

Dated: Thursday 3 October 2024 
Printed and published by the Counting Officer, North Yorkshire Council, Civic Centre, Stone Cross, Rotary Way, Northallerton, DL6 2UU