Petitions received

View the petitions we have received and our responses.

Petitions received by North Yorkshire Council


Petition to reduce the speed limit through Hutton Sessay to 30mph and to employ speed calming strategies

Received: 10 February 2025

Signatures: 34

Response: The petition will be passed to the Highways and Transportation Service to respond.

Petition to rethink North Yorkshire School Transport Cuts

Received: 20 January 2025

Signatures: 2,129 (electronic and paper petitions combined)

Response: The petition was considered at the meeting of the Richmond (Yorks) Area Committee on 27 January 2025, but was deferred for further information to be provided. Please see the draft minutes for more information.

This will now take place at the next scheduled Area Committee meeting on Monday 17 March 2025.


A petition seeking Council action to deal with the excessive noise pollution caused by the newly constructed supermarket store loading bay in Selby

Received: 20 December 2024 

Signatories: 21

Response: The petition will be referred to the Environmental Health Service for Consideration

A petition to change the winter maintenance priority of Heyshaw Road, HG3 4HD

Received: Electronic copies of petition submitted on 26 November 2024

Signatories: 23

Response: The petition will be referred to the Highways Service for consideration.

20mph speed limit for High and Low Bentham

Received: Paper petition submitted on 21 October 2024

Signatories: 1,043

Response: The petition will be considered at the next meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Committee as the number of signatories has exceeded the threshold of 500.

Save Ripon Market

Received: E-Petition and paper petition submitted on 4 October 2024

Signatories: 2,865 (subject to verification)

Response: The petition will be considered at the next meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Committee as the number of signatories has exceeded the threshold of 500.

Petition against the proposed ban of motorhome overnight parking in locations in Scarborough

Received: 9 September 2024

Signatories: 1128 (more than the required 500 threshold).

Response: The petition is scheduled for consideration at the next meeting of Scarborough and Whitby Area Committee on 3 October 2024

Petition to reconsider the plans to require Knaresborough market traders to self-erect their stalls and preserve a beloved local landmark

Received: 2 September 2024

Signatories: 1165 (of which 529 verified to live, work or study in North Yorkshire)

Response: The petition is scheduled for consideration at the next meeting of Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Committee on 12 September 2024

Permanent taxi rank on James Street, Selby

Received: E-Petition submitted on 31 July 2024

Signatories: 1

Response: The petition will be passed to the Highways Service for consideration.

Save Ripon’s Military Heritage

We received a paper petition on 17 June 2024 and the electronic petition closed on 21 June 2024.

The total number of verified signatures (e-petition and paper) was 925.

The petition will be scheduled for consideration at the next available meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee.

e-petition ‘To save 10 acres of land at Low Farm Allerston for nature, by giving it to Allerston Wildlife Enthusiasts’

Received: 11 June 2024

Signatories: 16 signatories

Response: The petition has been referred to the Community Development Directorate

Proposals regarding Disabled bays and Waiting Restrictions – Woodland Avenue and Woodland Rise, Scarborough. Additionally, objections regarding disabled bays, outside selected resident’s properties

Received: 4 June 2024

Signatories: 45 signatories (more than the minimum 20% required for acceptance of a parking petition)

Response: The petition has been referred to the Highways Team for consideration and a response

Extension of residents parking permits to Duchy Avenue and Duchy Grove, Harrogate

Received: 1 May 2024

Signatories: 1 signatory

Response: The petition has been referred to the Highways team for consideration and a response.

Stop school bus cuts

Received: 26 April 2024

Signatories: 378 signatories

Response: The petition has been referred to Children and Young People’s Services for consideration as part of the consultation on the Home to School Travel Policy.

Support a 20mph Speed Limit near Kirk Fenton Primary School

Received: 25 April 2024

Signatories: 105 signatories and supporting 24 letters

Response: The petition has been referred to the Highways and Transportation Service to respond.

Road resurfacing at Hollins Mews, Harrogate, HG1

Received: 29 February 2024

Signatories: 33.

Response: The petition has been referred to the Highways Team for consideration and a response.

Introduction of Residents Parking Permits on Princess Road, Ripon (Parking petition)

Received: 29 February 2024

Signatories: 16 (at least 20% of registered addresses within the affected area need to sign the petition for it to be accepted as a valid petition).

Response: The petition has been referred to the Highways Team for consideration and a response.

Keep St Hilda's Church of England Primary School Ampleforth open

Received: 28 February 2024

Signatories: 650 (of which 348 live, work or study in North Yorkshire)

e-Petition signatures received (ended 28/08/2024): 2

Response: The petition has been referred to the relevant Directorate for consideration and a response.

Petition to Save Alpamare Water Park, Protect Jobs, and Preserve Community Infrastructure

Received: 19 February 2024

Signatories: 276

Response: The petition has been referred to the relevant Directorate for consideration and a response.

Petition requesting that North Yorkshire Council does not include any of the land known as H2 (Land North of Knox Lane) in the new North Yorkshire Council Local Development Plan

Received: 9 February 2024

Signatories: 2248

Response: The petition has been referred to the next meeting of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee for consideration.

Petition calling upon Keighley Bus Company to reverse its recent cuts to the No.72 bus service (Buckden to Skipton).

Received: 4 February 2024

Signatories: 164 of which 160 have a North Yorkshire address

Response: The petition has been referred to Transport Services for consideration.


Petition seeking an investigation into the leadership of the Upper Nidderdale Federation

Received: 11 December 2023.

Signatories: 1,103 of which 572 have a North Yorkshire address.

Response: The petition will be scheduled for consideration at the next available meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee.

Petition calling for the planned full re-surface of Roecliffe Lane in Boroughbridge to be brought forward from 2025 to significantly sooner and to implement future proofing changes to the road.

Received: 13 November 2023

Petition calling for the re-instatement of taxi licensing zones in the county

Received: 6 October 2023

Signatories: 238

Response: The petition has been forwarded to the members of the Executive to be considered ahead of their meeting of 17 October 2023.

Selby Local Plan - Petition objecting to the development of the Central Area Car Park in Tadcaster for housing

Received: 8 September 2023

Signatories: 3100

Response: The petition will be debated at the next meeting of the Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee as over 500 signatories have signed the petition.

Petition to recognise Rachel Daly in her home town

Petition to recognise Rachel Daly in her home town

Received: 1 September 2023

Signatories: 704

Response: The petition will be debated at the next meeting of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee as over 500 signatories have signed the petition.

Petition to free up electric vehicle parking spaces for Fisher Street car park in Knaresborough.

Petition to free up electric vehicle parking spaces for Fisher Street car park in Knaresborough.

Received: 25 August 2023

Signatories: 699

Response: The petition will be debated at the next meeting of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee as over 500 signatories have signed the petition.

Opposition to the proposal to close Neville House EPH in Gargrave

To the members of the North Yorkshire Executive Council, we the undersigned strongly oppose the proposal to close Neville House EPH in Gargrave.

Received: 21 June 2023

Signatories: 340 signatories.

Response: The matter has been referred to Executive Member for Health and Adult Services.

Parking petition received regarding Captain Cooks Way cul-de-sac

Parking petition received regarding Captain Cooks Way cul-de-sac

Received: 12 June 2023

Signatories: 14 properties (over the 20% threshold of properties in the area affected)

Response: The petition has been forwarded to the Highways Service to investigate and respond to the petitioner directly.

For a maximum speed of 20mph on roads in south and west Harrogate to improve road safety

For a maximum speed of 20mph on roads in south and west Harrogate to improve road safety

Received: May 2023

Signatories: 920

Response: The Harrogate and Knaresborough area constituency committee at their meeting on 8 June 2023 resolved to endorse the petition and the matter has been referred to the executive member for highways and transportation and the executive will also be updated at their meeting on 4 July 2023.

Harrogate Gateway Opposition Petition

Harrogate Gateway Opposition Petition

Received: 25 May 2023

Signatories: 2081

Response: The committee requested that: a full schedule of engagement meetings is circulated to members, no later than Friday 30 June 2023 and that members of this committee are also invited to these meetings; and that, within the same timescale, officers to set up a politically proportionate area constituency committee working group (5 members) which will be charged with working with officers and the executive member for highways and transportation, to produce a report, to be considered by this committee at its meeting on 14 September 2023, which addresses the concerns raised by residents and organisations, as well as detailing the rigorous monitoring systems referred to in the motion passed on 5 May 2023.

Free access to toilets in Filey, pending a full review and consultation for the administrative district

Free access to toilets in Filey, pending a full review and consultation for the administrative district

Received: 23 April 2023

Signatories: 1531

Response: The matter was considered by the Thirsk and Malton Area Constituency Committee at their meeting on 16 June 2023 at which they resolved that: the Executive be recommended to respond to the issues raised on Filey Toilets in relation to Health and Safety requirements and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act; and that the Executive be recommended to produce an indicative timeline in respect of the proposed county wide review of public conveniences as soon as possible.

Find more information on the free access to toilets in Filey petition

Petitions received by North Yorkshire County Council


Save our bus – 840 to York and Leeds (from Whitby)

Save our bus – 840 to York and Leeds (from Whitby)

Received: 2 March 2023

Signatories: 621

Response: The matter has been referred to the next meeting (10.30am on 24 March 2023) of the Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee for debate.

Save Eskdale School

Save Eskdale School

Received: 21 February 2023

Signatories: 2,468 

Response: The matter has been referred to the next meeting (10:30am on 24 March 2023) of the Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee for debate.


Parking petition - Station Road, Crossgates, Scarborough

Parking petition - Station Road, Crossgates, Scarborough

Received: 8 December 2022

Signatories: 15 (more that the required 20 per cent threshold).

Response: The matter has been referred to the council’s highways service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

Restoration of the original bus service between Ingleton and Lancaster - previously the No.80 service provided by Stagecoach.

Restoration of the original bus service between Ingleton and Lancaster - previously the No.80 service provided by Stagecoach.

Received: 19 October 2022

Signatories: 918 signatories.

Response: The matter has been referred to the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee for consideration at their meeting of 15 December 2022.

Petition to remove an unused disabled parking bay on Frances Road, Richmond, DL10 4NF

Petition to remove an unused disabled parking bay on Frances Road, Richmond, DL10 4NF.

Received: 17 August 2022

Signatories: 13 signatories from 10 properties on the street affected.

Response: The matter has been referred to the council’s highways service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

Petition regarding use of land near Selby

Petition regarding use of land near Selby.

Received: 7 August 2022

Signatories: 22

Response: The matter has been referred to the relevant council team for investigation and then a response will be issued to the petitioners.


Petition regarding the installation of a footway and traffic calming measures on Sutton Lane

Petition regarding the installation of a footway and traffic calming measures on Sutton Lane

Received: 23 November 2021

Signatories: 745 signatories to an electronic petition and a paper petition of which 413 declared a North Yorkshire address.  Based upon the information given, it has not been possible to verify whether any of the non-North Yorkshire resident signatories work or study in the county.

Response: The matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

STOP The Station Gateway Project and the Pedestrianisation of Harrogate’s Town Centre

STOP The Station Gateway Project and the Pedestrianisation of Harrogate’s Town Centre

Received: 12 November 2021

Signatories: 714 signatories to an electronic petition, some of who we are not able to verify whether they live, work or study in the county.

Response: The matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly. As over 500 signatures have been received, the petitioner is also able under the Council petition scheme to attend a meeting of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee and have the matter debated.

The petitioner organiser attended a meeting of Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee on 6 January 2022 and presented the petition. The petition was debated by the Committee which agreed “That the action requested by the petition be not taken for the reasons put forward during the debate, but this Committee requests that the petition be taken into consideration as part of the analysis of the results of the second round of consultation on the Harrogate Station Gateway proposals and before a decision is taken on implementation of the Scheme”. The reasons put forward by Members during the Committee’s debate were:-

  • The wording of petition was considered by Members to be unfair and biased. In addition, there were factual inaccuracies within the petition and the presentation by the petition organiser, namely:-
  • The Harrogate Congestion Study public engagement was not a survey about a bypass, as claimed by the petition organiser. It was a public engagement about curing the problem with congestion in Harrogate. A relief road, or “bypass”, was simply one of the options put forward. The overwhelming response, of the 15,500 persons who had responded at that time, was to call on North Yorkshire to introduce better facilities for walking and cycling and to boost public transport and that was exactly what the Harrogate Station Gateway Scheme sought to do. It represented an investment of some £11 million in a part of the Harrogate town centre which needed an uplift. The Scheme was not simply about highways changes, but included fundamental changes to improve the public realm and that area which most visitors to Harrogate, who arrived by bus and train, saw when they first stepped off their transport.
  • The petition said that the Gateway Scheme would “adversely affect everyone in Harrogate”.  Members advised that they personally would not be adversely affected by the Scheme. Harrogate Cycle Action felt the same, as did contributors on social media who had reacted to stories about this subject. Members described the phrase “adversely affect everyone in Harrogate” as “a grand sweeping statement which was demonstrably false”. 
  • The petition stated that the Harrogate Station Gateway Scheme would pedestrianize James Street and this was untrue. Under the Scheme, there would be a partial pedestrianisation at the top portion of James Street. When asked by the Bid, 2/3rds of businesses on James Street supported partial pedestrianisation. 
  • The petition said that 60%-70% of visitors arrived by car. However, no one was suggesting stopping them, and statistics showed there was ample car parking in car parks to make up for the small number of spaces lost. 
  • The petition said that businesses would not be able to receive deliveries. Members described this as “a scare story” because only a small amount of pedestrianisation was proposed. For example, Marks and Spencer had pedestrian areas both front and back, deliveries had not been a problem, and delivery areas were marked out on the plans in the Station Gateway Scheme.
  • The petition referred to the “wholesale introduction of cycle lanes”. Members described this as “a great misrepresentation”. Under the Gateway Scheme, there would be more and better cycle lanes.  Members acknowledged that, assuming nobody stopped using their car, motorists might have to wait a few more seconds to get through town in order that buses could connect more quickly at the bus station.  However, they felt that the assumption that nobody would stop using their cars was unrealistic. The Harrogate Station Gateway Scheme was about ensuring that those who wished to use a mode of transport other than the private car had an opportunity to do so.  The Scheme was not about banning cars or replacing roads wholesale with cycle lanes.
  • This was the second petition from the Harrogate Resident’s Association to be considered by this Committee. The action requested in the first petition, which had been rejected by the Committee, had aimed to stop a Low Traffic Neighbourhood Scheme on Beech Grove. The petitioners had also opposed the Council’s Active Travel Fund scheme on Oatlands Drive. As such, the petition organisers had a history of opposing any schemes which the Council brought forward which aimed to encourage people out of their motor cars and to use sustainable means of transport or to use public transport.
  • 10% of the signatories to this petition lived outside North Yorkshire.

Subsequent to the Committee’s meeting, the County Council’s Executive, at a meeting held on 25 January 2022, took the petition into consideration before taking a decision on the Transforming Cities Fund Programme proposals.

Remove the planters blocking parking in Harrogate town centre

Remove the planters blocking parking in Harrogate town centre.

Received: 12 November 2021

Signatories: 900 signatories to an electronic petition, some of who we are not able to verify whether they live, work or study in the county.

Response: the matter has been resolved as the planters have since been removed.

Parking petition – Southlands, Pateley Bridge

Parking petition for Southlands, Pateley Bridge

Received: 16 November 2021

Signatories: 20 (above the 20% threshold of registered addresses within the affected area)

Response: the matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation.  They will contact the petitioner directly.

Petition to extend the disc parking zone in South End, Bedale to the end of Barrass Terrace (Southbound) and from Alexander Terrace (Northbound) to include South End Avenue

Petition to extend the disc parking zone in South End, Bedale to the end of Barrass Terrace (Southbound) and from Alexander Terrace (Northbound) to include South End Avenue.

Received: 30 September 2021

Signatories: 27

Response: the matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

Petition to expand winter gritting of Thirsk Industrial Park

Petition to expand winter gritting of Thirsk Industrial Park.

Received: 30 September 2021

Signatories: 61

Response: the matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation.  They will contact the petitioner directly.

Remove barriers blocking Beech Grove and Lancaster Road, Harrogate and stop this proposed LTN

Petition to remove barriers blocking Beech Grove and Lancaster Road, Harrogate and stop this proposed LTN.

Received: 16 August 2021

Signatories: 655

Response: The matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly. As over 500 signatures have been received, the petitioner is also able under the Council petition scheme to attend a meeting of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee and have the matter debated.

The petitioner organisers attended a meeting of Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee on 16 September 2021 and presented their petition. The petition was debated by the Committee which agreed “That the action requested by the petition be not taken in order to allow this pilot LTN to continue for the reasons put forward in the debate”.  The reasons put forward by Members during the debate were:-

  • The Beech Grove Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) has been introduced as an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. It is a very modest step towards carrying out what had been sought by the vast majority of respondents to the Harrogate Congestion Study Public Engagement carried out in 2019, namely, to introduce a system of better facilities for walking and cycling in Harrogate town centre and also to encourage people out of their cars and instead to walk, cycle or use public transport. There had been 15,500 responses to this Public Engagement. 
  • Members want to see the trial Beech Grove LTN continue and, as such, allow the public the opportunity to object/comment, as has been planned.
  • This trial is important because the County Council wants to learn the best ways of tackling traffic congestion and “rat-runs”.
  • The Beech Grove LTN will link into cycle path works to be undertaken in Otley Road and Victoria Avenue.

Notwithstanding the Committee’s decision, the petition content/objections will be considered in line with the statutory process for traffic regulation orders when this Experimental Traffic Regulation Order is reviewed and objections considered between June and August 2022 by the BES Corporate Director and BES Executive Members.

Change the speed limit from 50mph to 30mph on the east section of Burnt Yates village, including the B6165, Pye Lane and Clint Bank

Petition to change the speed limit from 50mph to 30mph on the east section of Burnt Yates village, including the B6165, Pye Lane and Clint Bank.

Received: 12 August 2021

Signatories: 125

Response: The matter has been referred to our Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

Parking petition regarding parking permits for residents of Elder View, Tweedles Yard, Northallerton

Parking petition regarding parking permits for residents of Elder View, Tweedles Yard, Northallerton.

Received: 30 July 2021

Signatories: 2 (50% of the registered addresses in the affected area)

Response: The matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation.  They will contact the petitioner directly.

Concerns about traffic management, parking and road safety in Devonshire Place, Harrogate, HG1 4AD

Petition regarding concerns about traffic management, parking and road safety in Devonshire Place, Harrogate, HG1 4AD

Received: 10 July 2021

Signatories: 20

Response: The matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service for investigation. They will contact the petitioner directly.

Introduction of a residents’ parking permit scheme on South Crescent Avenue, Filey, YO14 9JN

Petition for the introduction of a residents’ parking permit scheme on South Crescent Avenue, Filey, YO14 9JN

Received: 3 June 2021

Signatories: 13 out of the 25 households on the street (52%)

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.


Concerns about road safety in Baldersby-St-James village

Petition regarding concerns about road safety in Baldersby-St-James village, relating to HGV access, speeding vehicles and overgrown and inaccessible footpaths alongside the road.

Received: 23 December 2020 

Signatories: 30

Response: the matter has been referred to the Council’s Highways Service.  Unfortunately, the contact details of the petitioner have not been included. 

Concerns about the quality of the road surface through Mickley village.

Petition regarding concerns about the quality of the road surface through Mickley Village, from the A6018 North Stanley/West Tanfield Road to the Grewelthorpe to Ripon Road at Tower Hill.

Received: 15 July 2020

Signatories: 86

Response: The Council’s Highways Service have contacted the petitioner and informed them that road resurfacing in Mickley village is scheduled to take place later this year.

Concerns of traffic management on Doctors Lane in Hutton Rudby.

Petition regarding concerns of traffic management on Doctors Lane in Hutton Rudby.  The petitioner has requested that the Council’s Highways Service looks at altering the access to Doctors Lane; shifting from full access to a one-way road.

Received: 10 July 2020

Signatories: 44

Response: the concerns have been noted by the Council’s Highways Service and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Gilling West to Richmond Safe Cycle and footpath petition

The community of Gilling West and surrounding villages would benefit immensely from such an improvement. It would allow safe and sustainable access to town for people of all ages. It would provide a link to schools and businesses in Richmond.

Received: 29 May 2020

Signatories: at the point of publication there were 693 signatories on the ‘’ e-petition site.

Response: the concerns have been noted by the Council’s Highways Service and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Request that during lockdown, all North Yorkshire County Council schools provide 9-3pm optional online lessons for their pupils

We, the undersigned, request that during lockdown, all North Yorkshire County Council schools provide 9-3pm optional online lessons for their pupils. We note that most private schools are providing optional online full lessons. State-educated children need more interaction with their teachers.

Received: 13 May 2020

Signatories: The petitioner. Please note that the Council does not have an e-petitions process and so the petitioner was not able to gather any signatories during the pandemic lockdown period.

Response: The concerns have been noted by the Council’s Children and Young People Services department and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Maintain the Monday and Friday 175 bus service from Malton to Pickering

Maintain the Monday and Friday 175 bus service from Malton to Pickering and reverse the changes that saw it go to a Tuesday and Friday service.

Received: 3 March 2020

Signatories: 7 stall holders on Pickering Market and the petitioner

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services (Integrated Passenger Transport) and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Petition for double yellow lines near Sovereign Park, Harrogate

Sovereign Park, Harrogate - Petition for double yellow lines on the right hand side of road as you leave Ellis / Sovereign House and on the left hand side in two areas just as you leave Ellis / Sovereign House and a small area just on the bend.

Received: 2 March 2020

Signatories: 28 tenants of Sovereign Park, Harrogate.

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services (Highways Area 6) and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Request for the provision of pedestrian lights and crossing in the centre of Easingwold

Request for the provision of pedestrian lights and crossing in the centre of Easingwold.

Received: 27 January 2020

Signatories: 19

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Parking petition requesting an extension of free parking on Northallerton High Street

Parking petition requesting an extension of free parking on Northallerton High Street from its current duration of 30 minutes to a duration of two hours.

Received: 3 February 2020

Signatories: 114 Northallerton High Street Businesses.

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.


Safety measures to be introduced on the section of road known as King’s Keld Bank, near Thorpe Perrow

We believe that safety measures need to be introduced on the section of road known as King’s Keld Bank, near Thorpe Perrow, Snape: These might include speed restrictions, chevrons, double white lines plus improved warning signs.

Received: 12 December 2019

Signatories: 175

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Seek the reinstatement of the No.147 bus to Ripon on a Monday

Petition to reinstate the number 147 bus to Ripon which runs on a Monday.

Received: 25 October 2019

Signatories: 19

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Introduce residential parking permits in Flints Terrace in Richmond

Petition to introduce residential parking permits in Flints Terrace in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Received: 16 September 2019

Signatories: 21 representing 11 properties on Flint Terrace and two properties nearby.

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Move the mobile library from behind Swan Public House to the Layby outside Bayley Gardens

Moving the fortnightly mobile library service at Hunmanby from behind the Swan Public House to the layby outside Bayley Gardens.

Received: 27 August 2019

Signatories: 25

Response: Following meetings between interested parties, the General Manager of North Yorkshire County Council Library Services has agreed to re-locate the fortnightly mobile library service at Hunmanby from behind the Swan Public House to the layby outside Bayley Gardens. This will happen from mid/late November.

Save the twice weekly 182 bus service (Lakeside Holiday Park)

Save the twice weekly 182 bus service (Lakeside Holiday Park).

Received: 31 July 2019

Signatories: 16

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services. No contact details have been supplied by the petition organiser.

Transport needs for Hambleton residents

Establishment of the transport needs of the people in the communities of Brafferton, Helperby, Tholthorpe, Flawith, Myton and Aldwark.

Received: 3 June 2019

Signatories: 129

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Replacement bus service to/from York

Petition for a replacement bus service for Reliance bus service 29: Brafferton – Helperby – Tholthorpe – Flawith – Myton - Aldwark to/from York. 

Received: 7 May 2019

Signatories: 13

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Closure of Clapham Primary School – Save our School Petition

Petition against a proposal to close Clapham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School from 31 August 2019. 

Received: 4 April 2019

Signatories: 214

Response: The petition has been referred to the Council’s department for Children and Young People to consider as part of the overall consultation process on the proposal to close Clapham Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School from 31 August 2019.

Resident parking in Linton-in-Craven

Petition for a residents parking only scheme to be introduced in the area of Occupation Lane (the lane to the left side of the pub) to the Fountaine Hospital, on both sides of the road alongside the Green in Linton-in-Craven.

Received: 3 April 2019

Signatories: Four

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Speed limit in Low Moorgate, Rillington, Malton

Petition to introduce a 20mph speed limit in Low Moorgate, Rillington, Malton.

Received: 25 March 2019

Signatories: 57

Response: The Highways and Transportation Area 4 Office has responded directly to the petitioner.

Eligibility of house holders in Briggate, Knaresborough to apply for parking permits north of the River Nidd

Petition for the eligibility of house holders in the area of Briggate, Knaresborough to apply for residential parking permits to the North of the River Nidd - (B6163 to the north of the River Nidd - HG5 8BH / HG5 8BQ).

Received: 25 January 2019

Signatories: 12

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Speed limit on Newall Car Rd, Newall with Clifton

Petition for lowering the speed limit on Newall Car Rd, Newall with Clifton.

Received: 23 January 2019

Signatories: 150

Response: The Highways & Transportation, Area 6 Office will respond directly to the petitioner.

Save North Yorkshire's pupil referral service

‘Save North Yorkshire's Pupil Referral Service’ - request that North Yorkshire County Council reconsider proposed changes to funding for Pupil Referral Services in the county.

Received: 15 January 2019

Signatories: approximately 5,000

Response: The petition was considered by the Harrogate and Knaresborough area constituency committee at their meeting on 21 March 2019. It was agreed that the petition Save North Yorkshire’s Pupil Referral Service be noted, together with the consideration which has previously been given to the petitioners’ concerns at the meetings of the County Council’s Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 7 December 2018, the County Council’s Executive on 15 January 2019, and by the full County Council on 20 February 2019. 

Save Nidd Gorge and Nidderdale Greenway

‘Save Nidd Gorge and Nidderdale Greenway’

Received: 15 January 2019

Signatories: 4,588

Response: This petition was originally presented to the business and environmental services corporate director and executive members on 15 December 2017. Due to the number of signatures in the petition, it was also presented and debated at the meeting of the county area committee for the Harrogate district held on 15 March 2018. The petition that was submitted on 15 January 2019 is the same petition, albeit with an increased number of signatories, previously submitted and debated. As such, we will not be referring this petition to the Harrogate and Knaresborough area constituency committee (the successor to the Harrogate area committee) for consideration at their meeting in March 2019.


Access to Wiganthorpe at North Lodge Cottage Corner

Access to Wiganthorpe at North Lodge Cottage Corner - request that the highways department of North Yorkshire County Council take measures to improve visibility on the above corner for residents and visitors coming from the direction of Terrington.

Received: 3 July 2018

Signatories: 20

Response: The petition is being considered by the local highways area office.

Petition for a safer West End between the Market Place and Tilney Garth in Kirkbymoorside

Petition for a safer West End between the Market Place and Tilney Garth in Kirkbymoorside by creating a one way flow of traffic and traffic calming measures.

Received: 28 June 2018

Signatories: 164

Response: The petition is being considered by the local highways area office.

Rockwood Drive, Skipton - winter gritting route upgrade request from priority 3 to priority 2

Rockwood Drive, Skipton - winter gritting route upgrade request from priority 3 to priority 2 to commence from winter 2018.

Received: 30 May 2018

Signatories: 323

Response: The petition was considered by the Skipton and Ripon area constituency committee on 30 May 2018 and it was recommended that it be taken into account as part of the annual review of winter gritting routes undertaken by the council in September 2018.

Petition for the continuation of the Pickering Town bus service (route 170 / 171)

Petition for the continuation of the Pickering Town bus service (route 170 / 171).

Received: 10 May 2018

Signatories: 925

Response: The concerns have been noted by integrated passenger transport and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Resident parking on Chatsworth Place, Harrogate

Resident parking on Chatsworth Place, Harrogate.

Received: 9 May 2018

Signatories: 46

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Manor Close Kirk Smeaton WF83LZ resurfacing and lighting

Manor Close Kirk Smeaton WF83LZ resurfacing and lighting.

Received: 19 April 2018

Signatories: 16

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services and they will respond directly to the petitioner.

Reinstatement of the bus stop on Hinderwell Lane, Runswick Bay

Reinstatement of the bus stop on Hinderwell Lane, Runswick Bay.

Received: 10 January 2018

Signatories: 40

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services - integrated passenger transport.


Save Nidd Gorge and the Nidderdale Greenway

Save Nidd Gorge and the Nidderdale Greenway.

Received: 15 December 2017

Signatories: 2,314

Response: The petition was presented to the business and environmental services corporate director and executive members on 15 December 2017. Due to the number of signatures in the petition, it was also presented and debated at the meeting of the county area committee for the Harrogate district held on 15 March 2018. View the minutes of the Harrogate district area committee held on 15 March 2018.

Improve dangerous junction A6131 (Skipton North) crossing A65 (Harrogate)

Improve dangerous junction A6131 (Skipton North) crossing A65 (Harrogate).

Received: 9 November 2017

Signatories: 5,301

Response: The petition had previously been submitted to the Craven Area Committee at their meeting on 9 November 2017, following the death of a 20 year old man on 13 October 2017 at the junction. The decision of the Committee, at that time, was that the matter would be considered after the release of a Coroner’s Report.  It has since emerged that there will not be a Coroner’s Report because there has been a criminal prosecution. The petition was re-considered at the meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee at their meeting on 14 March 2019. The committee resolved formally request a review of the approach being taken to road safety and improvement at the junction at the next meeting of the Highway Area Office member surgery.  Subsequent to the consideration of the above, the Chairman of the committee to write to the Director of Business and Environmental Services, David Bowe, to raise any concerns that the committee may have.

Keep Ings School Skipton open

Keep Ings School Skipton open.

Received: 17 October 2017

Signatories: 402

Response: The petition was formally presented and the issue raised debated at the meeting of the executive held on 17 October 2017. The minutes of the 17 October 2017 Executive meeting are available here. A final decision on this matter is scheduled to be taken by the executive on 5 December 2017.

Poor condition of drains, speed counter measures, roadways and pathways of Sherburn Village

Poor condition of drains, speed counter measures, roadways and pathways of Sherburn Village.

Received: 2 October 2017

Signatories: 366

Response: The request is being considered by business and environmental services in liaison with Highways England.

Seeking to retain Ripon city bus service

Seeking to retain Ripon city bus service.

Received: 21 September 2017

Signatories: 166

Response: The concerns have been noted by business and environmental services - integrated passenger transport.

Seeking the resurfacing of Alexandra Road and Studley Road, Harrogate

Seeking the resurfacing of Alexandra Road and Studley Road, Harrogate.

Received: 20 September 2017

Signatories: 38

Response: The request is being considered by business and environmental services.

Seeking to change the Welham Road / Church Street junction in Norton

Seeking to change the Welham Road / Church Street junction in Norton.

Received: August 2017

Signatories: 655

Response: This petition meets the threshold for debate at Ryedale area committee and it will be considered at the meeting to be held on 15 November 2017. Details of the Ryedale area committee meeting on 15 November 2017 can be found here.

Reduce the speed limit on Gargrave Road to 20mph limit and address the road traffic issues

Reduce the speed limit on Gargrave Road to 20mph limit and address the road traffic issues and find sustainable solutions to school transport and parking.

Received: 17 February 2017

Signatories: 1,009 (up to notification date)

Response: The size of this petition exceeds the threshold for debate at the local area committee. This took place at Craven area committee on 9 March 2017. Papers for the Craven area committee held on 9 March 2017 can be found here.

Condition of footways and footpaths in Hillam

Condition of footways and footpaths in Hillam.

Received: January 2017

Signatories: 206

Response: The request has been passed to business and environmental services for consideration.

Petitions received by Ryedale District Council

White Swan

We received petitions with 240 signatures on them, on 28 September 2021 regarding the planning application for a change of use of the White Swan, Thornton le Clay.

Received: 28 September 2021

Signatories: 240

Petitions received by Hambleton District Council

Fly infestation in Seamer

View the Fly infestation in Seamer petition.