Statutory proposal by North Yorkshire Council for the lowering of the school age range at Overdale community primary school.
Change of age range at Overdale Primary School proposal
Name and contact details of the local authority or governing body publishing the proposal
North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AE.
Name, address and category of the school proposed for alteration
Overdale Community Primary School, Ashmead Square, Eastfield, Scarborough. North Yorkshire, YO11 3XJ
Proposed Implementation date
4 September 2023.
Description of alteration and evidence of demand
To lower the age range of Overdale Community Primary School to provide places for 2 year olds. The school has been relocated into the Middle Deepdale housing development and expanded to serve this and its existing catchment area. Governors have been aware for some time that some of their children do not access nursery education and the new school building has a separate dedicated nursery block.
Objectives educational standards and parental choice
To provide early years provision for parents, pupils and the local community.
Overdale CP school is proposing to offer up to 8 full time (or equivalent part-time) nursery-aged places. This would be arranged flexibly depending upon the needs of the family and current legislation, including provision over lunchtime although there will be an additional charge if a school dinner is provided.
Effect on other schools, academies and educational institutions within the area
There would be no effect on surrounding schools and local providers of early years education were notified as part of the non-statutory pre-consultation and will again have a chance to comment as part of the statutory representation period.
Project costs
The revenue cost will be met from a combination of means based funding and parental subscription.
There are no capital implications as a result of this proposal as the school would continue to run their education provision across the existing site and buildings.
There are no transport costs related to this proposal.
Following a formal decision to approve the lowering of age range, Overdale Community Primary School will work to have the new arrangements in place for 4 September 2023.
From 4 September 2023 Overdale school will initially offer 4 full-time equivalent places each day. From September 2024 they will expand to offer up to 8 full-time (or equivalent part-time) places for 2-year-olds, which can include provision over lunchtime.
Procedure for making representations (objections and comments)
Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal on 4 May 2023, any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them to Corporate Director, Children and Young People's Service, North Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AE by 5pm on 1 June 2023.