Dishforth Airfield Community Primary targeted mainstream provision consultation feedback responses

Date Role Comment Response
21 June 2024 Other Happy Jays Nursery I think this would really ease the pressure of local families with children with additional needs to try and find a suitable placement that meets their needs. With the influx of new houses in the area we are finding more and more families in need of specialist provision and less places for them to use once the leave the nursery setting. Thank you for your response, we are pleased that you agree with this proposal.
24 June 2024 Community Kirby Hill CE Primary I think this is a brilliant idea and support the move 100%. Our area is in dire need of targeted provision for primary-aged children with SEND. Thank you for your response, we are pleased that you agree with this proposal.
24 June 2024 Teacher Boroughbridge Primary I think it’s a fantastic suggestion and very much needed. This would definitely help to keep children in education and reduce the risk of exclusion. Thank you for your response, we are pleased that you agree with this proposal.
25 June 2024 Parent Dishforth Airfield I would like for parents to be given more information on the type of special needs the school would be providing education for. There is a massive difference between a child who struggles with concentration and a child who could be aggressive and have meltdowns every day. I only say this as, due to Dishforth Airfield Primary School being very small school compared to others, there is a likelihood of a lot more of the children’s working day being disrupted if a child is deregulated. Dishforth Airfield is one of the very few schools in the area who do not have a SEN provision and is also known to be one of the best schools in the area. I worry that this may change if there is a higher percentage of children who are deregulated easier. 6-8 children may seem like a small amount but when you look at the sizes of the classes at the school, that’s a very big percentage. I am all for opening the school up for children who require extra support with education as there are already children in the school who probably require this. However, I only hope the the EHCP’s are scrutinized and the behaviour of the child and the impact on the rest of the children is taken into account when offering a placement.

Thank you for your response, we understand your concerns about the impact this may have on the school.

We can assure you that North Yorkshire Council will work closely with the school to ensure the young people who will access the TMP go through a full consultation process.
There is also a comprehensive package of training provided for the whole school staff which will not only support those children accessing the TMP, but all children across school.

26 June 2024 Governor Dishforth Airfield I feel it is a sensible proposal and would benefit not only the students who access the provision but also the current students at the school. I feel the facilities and expertise the school have would benefit those children needing this input. It's extremely important these children get the support they need and i have complete faith that Dishforth Airfield Community Primary will offer them a stable environment and support their needs. Thank you for your response, we are pleased that you agree with this proposal.