Comment number | Do you have any comments about the amalgamation proposal? | Do you support the amalgamation proposal? | Do you support the reduction in PAN (Published Admission | In what capacity are you responding to this consultation? | Name of school? | Do you have any suggestions for improvement? |
1 | Many people in our community already see the Infant School and Junior School as one school since they federated. The amalgamation will only make this more final. It will make the transition between the two school's easier therefore better for the welfare of the children and easier for us, the parents, as it will eliminate the need the apply for the Juniors when moving from year 2 to 3. I see the only negative for the amalgamation is he lump some the Junior school will use however this is only a negative because the school already has it. Many, many schools only have one lump some and have been absolutely fine. Both school's are wonderful schools and I personally have never known a more caring and helpful school. If one was to become a academy and the two school parted it would be awful for our community, the wonderful staff that work at Wavell and most of all our children. I as many other parents do, fully support this move. | Yes | Yes | Parent | Wavell Community Schools' Federation | None |
2 | I am in favour of the amalgamation | Yes | Yes | Governor | Wavell Infant and Nursery School | No comment |
3 | How will this affect sen children | Don't know | Don't know | Parent | Wavell juniors | No comment |
4 | None | Yes | Yes | Parent | Wavell Community Infant School | None |
5 | I think it’s a great idea. | Yes | Don't know | Parent | Wavell infants school | No comment |
6 | No comment | Yes | Yes | Parent | - | No comment |
7 | No comment | Yes | Don't know | Parent | Wavell junior school and wavell infant school | No comment |
8 | No comment | Don't know | Don't know | Parent | wavell community infant school | No comment |
9 | No comment | No | No | Parent | Wavell School | For the management of the school to be more open and honest as to why this is happening. What is to be done with the recent ofsted report for the junior school? |
10 | No comment | No | Don't know | Parent | Wavell infant. School | No comment |
11 | I think this a fantastic idea, it will probably help children with the transition processes and can see no reason for objection. | Yes | Don't know | Parent | Wavell community infant and nursery | No comment |
12 | I am in support of this. I think it’s a really good idea. I am worried about the cost with a new uniform though? | Yes | Yes | Parent | Wavell Infant and Junior School | No comment |
13 | No comment | Yes | Don't know | Parent | Wavell | No comment |
14 | Concerned about the halving of funding after the initial process but realise this is the same for every full Primary across the LA and probably Nationally too. | Yes | Yes | Grandparent | Wavell community infants and nursery school | No comment |
15 | What will this mean in terms of SEND? Will SEND children be supported through transitions and any staffing changes? Will uniforms remain the same Will pupils enrolled need to reapply | Yes | Yes | Parent | Wavell junior | No comment |
16 | No comment | Yes | Yes | Parent | No comment | No comment |
17 | No comment | No | Yes | Parent | Wavell Infant and Junior | No comment |
Breakdown of results
Yes: 12
No: 3
Don't know: 2
Total: 17