Feasibility studies

Application deadline

This programme will close to applications on 15 July.

Programme aims

The aim of this programme is to provide funding to support the costs of feasibility studies that align with North Yorkshire’s local investment priorities of Addressing Rurality and Accessibility and Tackling Inequalities. These priorities are set out in  North Yorkshire’s UKSPF local investment plan (pdf / 2 MB).

Applications are invited for feasibility studies and research into identified projects which, if delivered, will enable communities to build capacity and increase engagement, to help tackle issues of rurality and inequality in North Yorkshire.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be formally registered legal entities. This may include (but is not limited to) registered charities, voluntary and community sector organisations, social enterprises, town and parish councils, etc.

As the aim of this programme is to fund feasibility studies that support communities, applications cannot be considered for activities that are for the exclusive benefit of the applicant organisation.

What we will fund

The activities which can be funded include (but are not limited to):

  • the commissioning of external consultants or specialists to undertake specific feasibility work
  • in-house primary and desk-based research, feasibility, and options appraisal and analysis
  • surveys, ballots, and other public consultation activities
  • proof of concept development (RIBA Stages 1 and 2)
  • evaluation

What we won't fund

The activities which cannot be funded include (but are not limited to):

  • planning or other statutory fees
  • post RIBA Stage 2 activities (for construction projects)
  • running costs of the applicant organisation

How much is the grant?

The maximum grant available for a single feasibility study is £20,000.

There is no match funding requirement. However, where match funding has been secured and will contribute to the costs of the feasibility work, this should be indicated on the application form.

How do I apply? When’s the closing date?

To apply, please complete a feasibility study application form:

 Download a UKSPF feasibility study application form as Microsoft Word (docx / 208 KB)

 Download a UKSPF feasibility study application form as PDF (pdf / 276 KB)

Once completed, please email the form to UKSPF@yorknorthyorks-ca.gov.uk.

This programme will close on 15 July, with a final panel being held at the start of August 2024.

What happens after I apply?

Your application will be reviewed by officers and appraised by a panel. Applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of their application no later than 8 weeks after receipt of the complete application.

Your application may be approved if it satisfies all the criteria, and the feasibility study appears to be deliverable in the required timeframe. In some cases, the panel may request some clarifications or additional information before proceeding to a decision. Where the application is deemed not to fit the criteria, the application may be rejected.

What happens after my application is approved?

If the application is approved, officers will agree the terms of payment and the monitoring requirements with you and create a funding agreement to be signed.

What happens after I receive my grant?

Once the grant is received, you can begin undertaking the feasibility study, as it is set out in your application.