Dear Sir or Madam,
Subject: Notice that an Enhanced Partnership (EP) Plan and Scheme have been made
We are writing to give notice that North Yorkshire County Council (the “County Council”) in its capacity as the Local Transport Authority (LTA) for its administrative area has made an Enhanced Partnership (EP) Plan and Scheme, under procedures permitted by Section 138 of the Transport Act 2000 (as amended). The EP Plan and Scheme shall come into effect on 1 May 2022. The EP Plan and Scheme will support the improvement of all local bus services operating in the County Council LTA area.
EP Plan
The EP Plan which sets out improvements that the County Council wishes to see delivered in partnership with bus operators and with the involvement of stakeholders through a local transport forum. This has been prepared to reflect the detail of the County Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) published in October 2021.The Plan includes detailed arrangements as to how the partnership will work.
EP Scheme
The second document is the EP Scheme. An EP Scheme can be used to provide for improvements to facilities used by bus services and measures that will enhance operating conditions (such as bus priority measures). The Scheme is to be further developed over time taking into account in particular available investment and further Schemes may be made to deliver targeted improvements in specific areas of the County.
No changes have been made to the EP Plan and Scheme following the public consultations. Bus Operators were provided with a further period to consider the documents and no objections have been made.
The full Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme can be found here.
For and on behalf of North Yorkshire Council