Local communities may wish to register their comments about a development with a petition. This is an acceptable method of communication. However, please note that the reasons for the petition (usually the front cover) will be published, but subsequent pages with signatures will not. We will include a tally of those who have signed the petition.
Public Access is our online planning application service.
For help with using the planning system please read the Public Access user guide.
It allows you to view details of applications that have been submitted to us.
You can:
- monitor the progress of an application
- view plans and documents
- submit comments
- search a weekly list of applications and decisions
- see whether an appeal has been lodged and any appeal decisions
- research details of applications from 2000 onwards
- view property details by reference to a map
The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority deals with planning applications for the national park area.
Commenting on planning applications
If you send a comment online or by email, please do not send a duplicate copy by post. Electronic comments carry as much weight as written comments and we process them in the same way.
Comments must include:
- the planning reference number
- your name and full postal address (if these details are not given we will not consider your comments and they will not be published on our website)
- the date
For help with using the planning system please read the Public Access user guide.
Personal details
Planning applications are public documents and your comments, including personal details, will form part of the planning application file and are available for other people to read.
We will publish your comments on our website. Before we do this we will remove your signature, telephone number and email address. Your name will be removed if it associates you with an address but the address will not be removed. It may be possible for others to browse your name and address via online search engines.
We have the same legal responsibilities as any other publisher when publishing comments / responses on our website. In view of this, please abide by the following criteria.
- do not refer to the personal character or motives of the applicant/s
- do not make any abusive or malicious comments
- do not mention hearsay or rumour
- do not use defamatory, slanderous or libellous language
Anonymous comments will be reviewed but may not be taken into account during the decision-making process unless they contain material planning comments.
Extreme examples of unacceptable observations will be returned to you.
Comments will be held on our electronic filing system and will remain public documents available to view online. We cannot accept private and confidential comments.
We aim to publish acceptable comments on our website within five working days of receipt.
Comments that can be taken into account
- loss of privacy
- overshadowing
- design
- highway safety
- traffic and parking
- noise (from the proposed use, not building works during construction)
- incompatible uses
- scale of development
- appearance of development
- wildlife
- trees
- flooding
- effect on conservation areas and/or listed buildings
- explain how the proposed development affects any of the above issues
Comments that cannot be taken into account
- personal issues with neighbours
- loss of private views
- business competition
- noise or disturbance during building operations
- property devaluation
- private covenants
- boundary disputes
- impact of private rights of access
- anonymous comments
Comment in good time
- the deadline for comments is 21 days from the date on the letter/ publicity notifying you about the application
- however, all comments received up until the decision is made will be considered
- if comments are made after the 21 day deadline and a decision has already been made, your comments will not be taken into consideration
- it is advisable to make your comments as soon as possible
- if you make your comments online you can choose to receive an automated response. We do not acknowledge receipt of comments sent by email or post
- case officers do not send personal responses to comments
Planning decisions
Decision making
Most planning decisions are made by our planning officers under delegated powers. Some decisions go to our planning committee.
We are obliged to follow the requirements of the Planning Acts and assess an application in accordance with the local policies unless there are other overriding material planning considerations. We are required to act positively and to make planning proposals acceptable. We must also include a statement in the decision notice. This will explain how we have dealt with the planning application in a positive and proactive way based on seeking solutions to problems that may have arisen with the planning application.
If an application is to be heard by the planning committee, you will be allowed to speak to the members about your concerns.
All decisions are published on our website.
It is your responsibility to monitor the progress of an application and to find out whether or not it is to be heard by the planning committee.
Timescales for planning decisions
- we have a deadline of eight weeks to determine most planning applications
- more complex applications have a deadline of 13 or 16 weeks
- if we do not issue a decision within these timescales the applicant may appeal against non-determination. In such circumstances the decision would then be made by the Planning Inspectorate rather than us
Process after a decision has been made
If permission is granted
The decision may include conditions that the applicant must comply with. There is no process for neighbours or other third parties to appeal against our decision.
If permission is refused
Applicants may either resubmit another planning application for an alternative scheme or appeal against our decision.