View and comment on planning applications in the Harrogate area

This service is delivered differently in each area of the county. This information relates to the former district of Harrogate. Looking for information in another area of the county? You can change the location here.

Support, object to or comment on any planning application we receive.

You can use Public Access to comment on and view the documentation relating to planning applications.

This service allows you to view details and make comments on planning applications that are being considered, as well as viewing information for historic applications from 1974 onwards.

If requesting a password reset, please be aware that the email address field is case-sensitive, you need to enter your email address as you originally entered it when you set up your account.

For help with using the planning system please read the Public Access user guide.

Information on  using PDF measuring tools (pdf / 242 KB).

For information on appealing against a planning decision please visit our appeals page.

Viewing applications

You can search for applications in a number of different ways:

  • search the details for a specific word
  • weekly list of applications received or determined
  • property search
  • map search

Using the Search facilities you can view the following information relating to planning applications:

  • 2010 onwards
    key textual information and all public documents on file
  • 2005 - 2009
    key textual information and all public documents submitted by the applicant and the decision notice
  • 1974 - 2004
    key textual information and the decision notice

To view documents in Public Access please use the Document Type link

Google Chrome users may have problems opening some documents. If this happens, please download the document and open with Adobe Reader instead.

Comment on a planning application

How to comment

The easiest way is to use Public Access, our online database of planning applications, or you can write to us.

Your comment will be made available online to the public.

Comments on planning applications need to be assessed and any personal information removed before publishing. Therefore it is our intention to publish comments within three working days of receipt. However there is potential in times of high workloads that this period may take longer.

If you are writing please quote the application reference number and submit your comments within the deadline given.

When making a comment, we strongly recommend you draft your comments first in a word processing software, and then copy/paste your comments into Public Access.

There is a 30 minute time out when making comments on Public Access. Should your session time out, draft comments will be retained for up to two days. To retrieve them, you must login using the same device and browser within two days to finalise and submit your comments, otherwise they will be deleted. Draft comments are saved within your browser, so should they be lost we are unable to retrieve them for you.

You must include your name and address. We suggest you:

  • do not include your signature
  • do not include your telephone number
  • do not include any other information you are unwilling to have published on the internet

What can I comment on?

We are only allowed to take material planning considerations into account when making decisions. Full details are given in  new development - have your say (pdf / 48 KB).

There are occasions when other personal information is submitted within supporting documents, this personal information can include:

  • financial information
  • car registration plates
  • photos of individuals
  • a persons age
  • physical or mental health information
  • views on other individuals - such as their health or anything defamatory or libellous
  • how long a person has resided at a property
  • a persons employment history
  • criminal record - including alleged offences
  • children
  • racial or ethnic origin
  • religious or other beliefs
  • political opinions
  • membership of a trade union
  • sexual orientation or how a person identifies
  • and any other information which may identify an individual person or persons

Even if the applicant, or a person making comments on an application, wants the personal information to be published online, we must endeavour to remove it.

Therefore when submitting an application or comments please can you make sure that the above personal information is only submitted if it is a planning consideration, for example, financial information which may support a change of use application from a business to a dwelling to show that a business is not viable or information to show that a fee is not required as the proposed development is for the sole use of a disabled person. We will endeavour to make sure this information is not published online.

If you submit personal information as set out above please can you ensure that it is either referred to in a covering letter - or contained within a separate document to aid identification and removal from the documents which will be published online.

Please note - comments or representations displayed:

  • have not been checked for accuracy
  • are the views only of the author or authors
  • will be given appropriate weight in the consideration and determination of the application by the local planning authority
  • you must include your name and address

    We suggest you:
    • do not include your signature
    • do not include your telephone number
    • do not include any other information you are unwilling to have published on the internet

Every effort will be made to identify representations that contain personal information and any personal information will be removed. Every effort will also be made to identify and remove any defamatory information. The information which is removed will have no part in the consideration and determination of the application.

The name and address of the representor will be published, however, If you wish for your name and address to be removed, that can be done but representations that are marked confidential or anonymous cannot be taken into account when an application is considered.

If you would like to submit a comment you may email them, stating the case number, to

What happens after I have sent a comment?

  • your comment will be acknowledged
  • all comments can be viewed via the Documents Tab. Comments made directly via Public Access prior to 21 August 2017 on cases that were undetermined at that time can be viewed, but are held within one document, other representations have a document for each one
  • if the application is to be heard at the planning committee we will notify you of the date of the committee and your rights to speak at committee
  • you will be notified of the decision

Late comments

If you miss the deadline for making comments online you can still write in but we cannot guarantee that the decision will not have been made.

Tracking planning applications

You can ‘track’ the progress of any applications which are under consideration.

You will need to register / log in and then select the 'track' button on each application you want to follow. You will then be emailed when the status of the case changes, for example, when the application is decided.

Trouble logging in to Public Access

The council's Public Access  (PA) site is a separate system from:

The national Planning Portal  (used by members of the public and developers to submit planning applications).

Other council systems such as ‘My Harrogate’  (used by customers to obtain parking permits for example).

The Local Plan Consultation Portal  (used by customers to comment on the draft version(s) of the council's new Local Plan).

Public Access  is the system that allows you to view and comment on live planning applications submitted to the council. You need to register a PA account  in order to comment on planning applications online, this account is standalone from the other systems described above.

If you forget your password after registering on PA, you can request a password reset  by entering the email address you used to register (The system is case sensitive - you need to enter the exact email address you used to register). Unfortunately, the system will not notify you if you have not previously registered with that email address, so if you are not registered on PA you will not receive any password reset email.

The password reset email may be directed to your spam mailbox, however, if you do not receive an email at all please contact with the following information so we may investigate the issue:

  • email address
  • full name
  • address
  • any other information you think would help us diagnose the issue.

We aim to resolve any user account issues as quickly as possible, however, if you would like to submit a comment in the meantime you may email them directly, stating the case number, to

Use of Public Access for planning is subject to acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

Copyright warning

The documents available here have been submitted to the council in order to apply for planning permission. They are protected by Section 47 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. They are being made available to be viewed for consultation purposes only - copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner (that is the applicant or their agent).

Comments or representations displayed:

  • have not been checked for accuracy
  • are the views only of the author or authors
  • will be given appropriate weight in the consideration and determination of the application by the local planning authority

Every effort will be made to identify representations which are defamatory. If any are found they will be removed and have no part in the consideration and determination of the application.

To view online

  • use the Comments tab to view comments made via Public Access from 1 October 2010 onwards. Click on the Document Date to open
  • use the Documents tab to view comments made by post or email from November 2009 onwards. Click on the Document Date to open
  • even if there is a statement of "There are no comments lodged for this application" on the comments tab - this statement will only apply to comments made via Public Access from 1 October 2010 onwards

To view in person

Comments made prior to these dates are available to view by appointment. Please contact us.


  • documents will be available online within five working days from registration
  • associated documents are available for applications received from August 2005 onwards
  • no responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the planning history information obtained from 'Public Access'
  • the information contained within 'Public Access' does not constitute in any way a formal notification of a planning decision, and as such any actions taken as a result of information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewers own risk

Pop-up blocker

Public Access uses pop-ups to provide information. You will need to temporarily allow pop-ups in your browser.

Development alerts

Setup development alerts for new applications within your area

Once you have searched for an application you can save that search and ask to be notified when any new applications fitting the search criteria are received. Once the search results have been displayed select the Save Search button to save it - you will have to login/register to do this. When saving a map search you can specify either the map is shown on the screen or a distance from the centre of the screen to search on.

If you would like to be notified of any new applications which match the saved search - select Yes for the Notify Me About New Search Results box.