View and comment on minerals and waste or council planning applications

View planning application and decision details for all council applications and minerals and waste developments.

Minerals and waste online planning register

There is currently an issue with the minerals and waste online planning register. If you wish to comment on any planning application, please email

Our online planning register allows you to:

  • search our database and monitor the progress of applications through the planning system
  • view records of applications we have determined including the decision notices
  • submit comments on current applications

Access the online planning register

To submit comments on current applications, find the planning application you are interested in, then select the "neighbours" tab. You should then see the option to comment near the top.

Representations from private individuals on applications received after the 1 April 2023 will be uploaded to North Yorkshire Council via the online planning register.

If the consultation period has expired and the application is still awaiting a decision, then comments can be submitted by contacting us. Once the decision has been issued no further comments on the application can be made.

Planning appeals

Planning appeals can be submitted against planning permission refusals or against conditions imposed in granting planning permission.

The guidance for planning appeals is available from the planning inspectorate section of GOV.UK.

The planning portal also allows you to make an appeal online, search for existing appeals and make a comment.

Access the planning portal

Planning consultations and publicity

Information on how we consult on and publicise minerals and waste or Council planning applications

National legislation advises that planning applications are publicised and consulted on in accordance with the statement of community involvement.

We deal with mineral and waste planning applications and those concerning our own buildings and property.

Please visit our online planning register to view and comment on existing planning applications.


In reaching a decision on planning applications we take into account material planning considerations raised by people who comment and/or may be affected by the development. We judge these against the principles already set out in policy documents, together with other material considerations. However, planning applications will not be refused consent where objections are received and there is no sustainable planning reason why permission should be denied.

A period of time, normally 21 days, is allowed from the date of publicity, for comments or objections to be made. View further information on what constitutes a valid planning representation.

Publicity can take three forms:

  • a site notice posted on or near the application site
  • individual neighbour notification letters to adjacent and/or nearby properties
  • publication of a formal press notice in the local newspaper

Site notices

A site notice is not displayed for the following types of applications:

  • prior notification applications
  • certificates of lawfulness for proposed use or development
  • Section 211 Notices (trees in conservation areas)
  • approval of details reserved by condition applications
  • non-material minor amendment applications

Press advertising

In accordance with statutory requirements, we advertise applications in the local press. The types of applications advertised include:

  • Environmental impact assessment applications accompanied by an Environmental Statement
  • applications that are a departure from the Development Plan
  • applications affecting a public right of way
  • applications for 'major' development - including all applications for the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits, and waste development
  • applications for listed building consent
  • applications for planning permission for works affecting a listed building or its setting
  • applications for planning permission or development of land affecting the character or appearance of a conservation area

Neighbour notification

Anyone is entitled to comment on a planning application whether or not they receive a neighbour notification letter. The case officer decides whether to notify other properties that might be materially affected by the planning. This will depend on the nature, scale and impact of the proposed development in relationship to the surrounding area and neighbours land use.

The statutory time period for making a representation, given on a neighbour notification, is 21 days from the letter date. This is so there is sufficient time for the recipient or household to make a representation. After the 21 days have passed, we are able to determine the application. Although, we will continue to accept representations after the 21 days and up until the decision is made. It is important to meet any deadline or your comments may not be taken into account.


After an application is submitted, a consultation will take place depending on the location, nature of the development and effect on neighbouring properties. Local and national guidance is followed for this process including The Town and Country Planning Management Procedure Order (DMPO) 2015, Schedule 4, 'Consultations before the grant of permission'. The online Planning Practice Guidance on the government website includes information on publicity in respect of consultation and pre-decision matters.

Those consulted are given a time period to respond and comments are taken into account, along with planning policy and other considerations, before a decision is made.

Residential, commercial and industrial planning

To view consultations and publicity relating to residential, commercial and industrial planning applications please visit the information on planning applications in your area page.