The objective of a habitats regulation assessment is to identify any aspects of a local development plan that would cause Likely Significant Effects and adverse effects on the integrity of sites designated for their international nature conservation interest.
This is otherwise known as European sites (Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs), candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSACs), potential Special Protection Areas (pSPAs) and, as a matter of Government policy, Ramsar sites, either alone or in combination with other plans and projects.
Under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), an Appropriate Assessment is required, where a plan or project is likely to have a significant effect on a European site, either individually or in combination with other projects. Should the HRA identify potential adverse effects, appropriate policy mechanisms for delivering mitigation should be recommended.
New Selby District Local Plan: The HRA of the Preferred Options Local Plan Document (January 2021)
AECOM was appointed by us to undertake a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of its Regulation 18 Draft Selby Local Plan (SLP).
The 2020 Screening Report (see below) provided a high-level screening assessment of the Selby Issues and Options Document. Now that the SLP provides further detail on the quantum and distribution of growth, this HRA reassesses all relevant impact pathways. It builds upon the previous screening HRA, drawing on new information where relevant.
HRA of the Preferred Options SLP (January 2021) (pdf / 3 MB)
We welcome your comments on the HRA of the Preferred Options Local Plan (January 2021). Please go to the Preferred Options Local Plan which is available to view on the Consultation Portal. The consultation is open between 29 January and 12 March 2021.
Committee Draft HRA of the Preferred Options Local Plan Document (January 2021)
Our Executive considered a report and a draft Local Plan document at its meeting on 7 January 2021. Report E/20/29 asked the Executive for approval for public consultation to take place on the Preferred Options Local Plan. A copy of the draft document is attached to the report.
Preferred Options Local Plan Consultation Document
The following Draft HRA document is referred to in The Executive Report. The Draft HRA document was produced to inform decision-making. The revised final version above is published alongside the consultation of the Preferred Options Local Plan.
Draft HRA - December 2020 (pdf / 2 MB)
The HRA of the Issues and Options Local Plan Document (January 2020)
AECOM was appointed by us to assist us in undertaking the screening (likely significant effects) stage of the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Draft Selby District Issues and Options Document.
The Screening Report provides a high-level screening assessment of the Selby Issues and Options Document, which proposed six Housing Options and five Employment Options for taking forward into the Regulation 18 Local Plan.
Likely Significant Effects (LSEs) could not be excluded from any of the proposed development options due to insufficient information being available to undertake a detailed assessment. Atmospheric pollution impacts on the Lower Derwent Valley SPA / Ramsar / SAC were an area identified for further assessment, while the potential for recreational pressure effects in the Skipwith Common SAC and the Lower Derwent Valley SPA / Ramsar / SAC was assessed as relatively low.
HRA of the Draft Selby District Issues and Options Document (January 2020) (pdf / 6 MB)