Affordable housing

The affordable housing supplementary planning document was adopted on 25 February 2014 following a consultation process of six weeks running from 4 July 2013 and 16 August 2013.

The consultation statement includes a schedule of comments and associated amendments towards the end of the document.

Affordable housing supplementary planning document

 Affordable housing small site threshold testing 2010 (pdf / 271 KB)

Affordable housing economic viability assessment - 2009

We have published our affordable housing economic viability assessment undertaken by consultants DTZ. The economic viability has been undertaken using a bespoke valuation model specifically designed for the purpose of testing affordable housing policies and scenarios to assist us in assessing the appropriateness and robustness of its affordable housing policy. The approach tested a number of hypothetical sites typical of those coming forward across the district, and in order to assess different affordable housing options, a number of key variables were selected to test the levels of affordable housing provision. The results have determined that the percentage of affordable housing requested by us will have to be flexible to reflect prevailing market conditions.

 Final economic viability report September 2009 (pdf / 489 KB)

 Final economic viability report September appendices 2009 (pdf / 4 MB)