Community consultations

There are other ways in which we seek to encourage greater community consultation in development proposals.

Pre-application community engagement protocol

In advance of the submission of an application, particularly for larger proposals, we encourage landowners/developers to carry out pre-application consultations with neighbours and the wider community. This is not mandatory but is considered best practice and something that is set out in our adopted Statement of Community Involvement (2007) which forms part of the Local Development Framework.

The level of community engagement will vary for different types of development, ranging from talking to neighbours about a house extension to consulting the wider community where, for example, a housing development or retail store is proposed. Officers will advise landowners/developers on the matter although the decision to carry out pre-application consultations is ultimately one for the landowner/developer.

Pre-application presentations to members

In certain instances, prior to applications being submitted, formal presentations of schemes will be made to councillors. These provide an opportunity for landowners/developers to explain how a scheme has evolved and how community engagement has helped shape a proposal. Members of the public can attend these presentations to listen to what is said. Whilst public questions cannot be raised during presentations, any queries can be sent to planning services.

General advice

To try and ensure the planning process runs as smoothly as possible our planning officers are available to discuss issues prior to a planning application being submitted or at any point during the application’s processing. If you receive a letter of notification of an application the contact details of the officer dealing with the matter will be included. If you do not have these details to hand please contact us.