Supporting evidence documents

We carried out and commissioned studies as part of developing the Ryedale plan and we are updating those studies as part of the plan review.

Planning policy is developed from a range of technical documents on specific matters such as flood risk and also documents which set out wider strategies and objectives. We commission some studies and others are commissioned by other organisations as part of their work in particular areas. In the studies we do, we look at our own data. We pull these documents together to look at what this could mean for places in Ryedale.

Sustainability appraisal scoping report and framework

A lot of contextual information and relevant local data is compiled in our sustainability appraisal scoping report and framework document. Alongside contextual information, the document features important sustainability objectives, policy appraisal prompts and a site selection methodology, all of which enable us to test the social, economic and environmental impacts of new policies and possible development sites.

The  previous version of the document is available (pdf / 555 KB) but this has since been updated as part of the Review of the Ryedale plan work.

 Sustainability appraisal scoping report and framework (pdf / 2 MB)

Updates to the sustainability appraisal scoping report and framework

September 2022: Inclusion of small sites within stage one (initial sieve) of the site selection methodology

March 2023: Modifications to wording of certain monitoring indicators

Sub-regional evidence

This is work which covers a wider area than Ryedale and looks at the North Yorkshire area, and wider strategic work with adjacent authorities such as the City of York Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council, it is concerned with overarching approaches to the roles of places and connections between places within a general context of how growth is managed.

The Local Authorities across York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull (YNYERH) have recognised the need to develop a broad framework. They have set out to agree on how sustainable growth could be facilitated across the sub-region over the medium to longer term. Looking towards 2050 and beyond.

The spatial framework is a non-statutory document that outlines the vision and priorities for growth and the overall spatial strategy for the area.

Spatial framework

 York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull spatial framework: A vision for growth (pdf / 4 MB)

What is the vision for this?

The aim is to have connected, distinctive and thriving towns and cities that will help drive growth and support a successful, sustainable future for current and future generations. Whether living in a city, market town or in the countryside we want to support and deliver a better quality of life for people in the YNYERH area – through our approach to growth and infrastructure planning.

Three priorities have been identified: Digital, Environment and Transport.


  • support better infrastructure delivery with the achievement of greater levels of sustainable economic growth
  • providing a stronger case for investment, helping to make the spatial case for external funding for infrastructure investment where this is required to support growth
  • demonstrate more proactive collaboration across all the partner Local Authorities. This will enable them to work more effectively and efficiently in preparing and delivering their local plans. Plus, they will be able to provide the market with more confidence to invest and grow

Further evidence

Economic evidence

Economic evidence is focused on strategies for how Ryedale’s economy responds to changes in the economy, how it can be attractive to investors and businesses and develop strategies for harnessing the district's rich natural and cultural assets. We have studies which explore the business requirements, the need for employment land and the types of buildings and spaces to help create and sustain new businesses.

We also have studies which explore retail needs. We work closely with our economic development team on these studies.

We also carried out a rail river corridor study.


We commission technical studies to look at specific environmental issues in Ryedale concerning water quality and flood risk, air quality and matters around biodiversity, such as protected species. We also refer to a number of technical and strategy documents that are prepared by government organisations such as the Environment Agency, Natural England, the Local Nature Partnership and others.

Housing supply and delivery

Housing delivery is a key objective for the government, and affordable housing delivery is a key objective for us. We commission assessments to look at what our housing need is in Ryedale, called strategic housing market assessments (SHMA), which are done around every five years. We also commission work on the financial costs (viability) of delivering affordable housing.

In addition to this, we compile a list of sites potentially available for housing called the strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA). We also monitor housing delivery based on the number of houses built and the amount of land remaining to build houses on in Ryedale known as our housing land supply. We do this annually.

 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) - November 2022 (pdf / 2 MB)

 Affordable Housing Viability Study - July 2010 (pdf / 10 MB)

Previous GTAA documents

 Gypsy and Traveller and Showperson Accommodation (pdf / 633 KB)
 North Yorkshire Accommodation requirements of Showmen (pdf / 4 MB)
 North Yorkshire Accommodation requirements of Showmen final report December 2009 (pdf / 2 MB)

Strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA)

 Housing Delivery and Land Supply Statement (SHLAA Part 1) - 2022 (pdf / 305 KB)

Housing and employment land report

From 2023 we also prepare an annual housing and employment land report. This report presents initial headline figures on the delivery of homes and employment space ahead of the preparation of our Authority Monitoring Report. It also includes an updated calculation of the supply of housing land in response to the National Planning Policy Framework requirement to ensure a five year supply of deliverable land for new homes.

 Annual housing and employment land report 2022-2023 (pdf / 1 MB)

Previous SHLAA documents

 Housing Delivery and Land Supply Statement 2021 (SHLAA Part 1) (pdf / 934 KB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2018 (pdf / 2 MB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2016 (pdf / 2 MB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2015 (pdf / 2 MB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2014 (pdf / 2 MB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2013 (pdf / 2 MB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Part 1 2012 (pdf / 678 KB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Main Report 2009 (pdf / 309 KB)
 Strategic housing land availability assessment Appendices 2009 (pdf / 5 MB)
 Schedule of Responses 2009 (pdf / 354 KB)

Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA)

 Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2022 (pdf / 2 MB)


These are the physical structures and facilities that we use to live our lives, such as roads, cycleways, footpaths, water delivery and waste removal, power/gas lines, renewable and low carbon energy technologies, broadband and telecommunications and services such as health care services, schools and open space.

Most of these services are provided by other organisations, so we discuss our plans and proposals with these organisations to ensure that there is either capacity for new development or to establish what changes are needed to bring increased capacity.

We have also recently updated our village services audit, which provides maps of all settlements in Ryedale which have services (for instance, bus stops, churches, shops or schools).

 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (pdf / 227 KB)
 Village Services Audit 2021 (pdf / 27 MB)

Landscape and heritage

The landscape and heritage of Ryedale are strongly connected. We have studies which define in detail the different types of landscapes in Ryedale. We also have studies that have looked at the land around our largest settlements, and we have papers which set out why we designated our own Areas of High Landscape Value (Fringe of the Moor and the Wolds).

Strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA)

In November 2021, alongside Scarborough Borough Council we produced a level one strategic flood risk assessment (SFRA). It provides crucial evidence with respect to various sources of flooding and flood risk in the district. This is particularly important ahead of the formation of new planning policies and site allocations in association with the review of the Ryedale plan.

 Level 1 SFRA 2021 final report (pdf / 2 MB)
 Level 1 SFRA 2021 appendices (pdf / 769 KB)

SFRA maps

In addition to the report and its appendices, a range of maps has been produced to present specific flood risks across the district. For mapping purposes, the district has been divided into even squares labelled C1 through to F4.

The interactive element to all SFRA maps is only enabled once downloaded and opened with a PDF reader such as Adobe or an equivalent. You will not be able to toggle the layers when viewing the maps in a web browser.

 Level 1 SFRA key map (pdf / 2 MB)

 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2021 - Maps C1-C4 (pdf / 19 MB)
 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2021 - Maps D1-D4 (pdf / 27 MB)
 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2021 - Map D5 (pdf / 13 MB)
 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2021 - Maps E1-E5 (pdf / 15 MB)
 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2021 - Maps F1-F4 (pdf / 15 MB)

The even squares (for instance, the C1 area) can be accessed via the key map link above.

In addition to the even squares,  Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB),  Pickering (pdf / 3 MB),  Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB) and  Helmsley (pdf / 2 MB) each have their own maps.

Evidence base documents - economic evidence

Malton and Norton

An assessment of the air quality impacts of a range of development scenarios on the Malton Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).
 Malton and Norton air quality assessment 2017 (pdf / 2 MB)

Key information about the Malton and Norton food enterprise zone.
 Malton and Norton food enterprise zone (pdf / 2 MB)

Make comments on the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan final submission as prepared by the two town councils
Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan consultation form

Application for the designation of a neighbourhood area for Malton and Norton.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - designation statement (pdf / 621 KB)

Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan, habitats regulations assessment.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - habitats regulations assessment (pre-submission version) (pdf / 1021 KB)

Malton and Norton map of neighbourhood boundary.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - plan boundary (pdf / 388 KB)

View the pre-submission draft of the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - pre-submission draft (pdf / 4 MB)

Map of Malton and Norton for the neighbourhood plan.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - pre-submission map (pdf / 3 MB)

Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - strategic environmental assessment.
 Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - strategic environmental assessment (pre-submission version) (pdf / 4 MB)

Data supporting this study evaluating the traffic impacts associated with development by 2026.
 Malton and Norton strategic transport assessment 2010: addendum (pdf / 2 MB)

The study evaluates the traffic impacts associated with development in Malton and Norton by 2026.
 Malton and Norton strategic transport assessment 2010: final report (pdf / 2 MB)

This is the introduction to the study carried out to investigate the potential of six identified sites in the twin towns to meet the need for new homes, jobs, community facilities and other land uses.
 Malton and Norton river rail corridor study (part one) (pdf / 396 KB)

This section of the report sets out some of the original research and analysis.
 Malton and Norton river rail corridor study (part two) (pdf / 3 MB)

Malton/Norton River Rail corridor study.
 Malton and Norton river rail corridor study (part three) (pdf / 2 MB)

Policies map of Malton and Norton as part of the Ryedale plan and adopted local development plan.
 Policies map - Malton and Norton (pdf / 2 MB)

Policies map of Malton/Norton central area as part of the Ryedale plan and adopted local development plan.
 Policies map - Malton and Norton central area (pdf / 2 MB)

Read the final submission document for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan, prepared by the two town councils.
 SD1: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - final submission (pdf / 6 MB)

View the final submission map for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD2: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - final submission map (pdf / 3 MB)

Read the consultation statement for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD3: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - consultation statement (pdf / 617 KB)

View the consultation statement appendices for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD3a: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - consultation statement appendices (pdf / 7 MB)

View the strategic environmental assessment for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD4: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - strategic environmental assessment report (pdf / 4 MB)

Read the sustainability assessment for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD4a: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - sustainability assessment report (pdf / 1013 KB)

View the sustainability assessment appendices for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD4b: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - strategic environmental assessment appendices (pdf / 2 MB)

Read the habitats regulations assessment for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD5: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - habitats regulations assessment (pdf / 924 KB)

Read the basic conditions statement for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD6: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - basic conditions statement (pdf / 943 KB)

View the basic conditions statement appendices for the Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan prepared by the two town councils.
 SD6a: Malton and Norton neighbourhood plan - basic conditions statement appendices (pdf / 8 MB)

A historic cultural map, part of capacity study development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1854 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1854 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1892 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1892 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1912 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1912 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1938 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1938 (pdf / 3 MB)

A location map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Location Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

A map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s market towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Malton and Norton (pdf / 4 MB)

A natural phenomena map is part of a capacity study, considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Natural Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

View the level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Malton and Norton, including Old Malton.
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 - map for Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Data and assessment o help with transport planning.
 Transport modelling 2016: Malton, Norton and Pickering (pdf / 649 KB)

Development brief

Creation of new residential apartments within three three-storey buildings along Old Maltongate and creation of four semi-detached three-storey townhouses along East Mount.
 Est Mount development brief (pdf / 834 KB)

Proposed creation of a new rear delivery route for retail units along the eastern side of Wheelgate.
 Greengate development brief (pdf / 181 KB)

Retention of the recreation ground and potential improvements to the quality of the space.
 Highfield Lane development brief (pdf / 336 KB)

Report on the redevelopment of the livestock market area, depending on the relocation of the livestock market within Malton.
 Livestock Market development brief (pdf / 578 KB)

Public realm improvements to the Market Place set over three phases.
 Market Place development brief (pdf / 999 KB)

Proposed new use for the Mount Hotel site, including conversion of the main building to high-quality apartments or short-let holiday apartments.
 Mount Hotel development brief (pdf / 258 KB)

Report on the potential location for relocated Livestock market.
 Pasture Lane development brief (pdf / 252 KB)

Redevelopment of the underutilised car park in two phases.
 Wentworth Street car park development brief (pdf / 417 KB)

Report on improved pedestrian/retail environment for Wheelgate.
 Wheelgate development brief (pdf / 810 KB)

Report on the re-use of prestigious historic buildings and gardens for community use.
 York House development brief (pdf / 455 KB)

Employment land review

Employment land review update 2010

The evidence base informs policy choices specifically for aspects of the Local Development Framework relating to employment.

 Employment land review update section one (pdf / 2 MB)
 Employment land review update section two (pdf / 5 MB)
 Employment land review update section three (pdf / 4 MB)

Retail capacity

Further shopping data to inform the impact assessment update following a change in business ownership.
 Addendum to retail capacity update 2011 (pdf / 73 KB)

Annex 1: Appendices to the study into Ryedale retail capacity 2006.
 Annex 1: Ryedale retail capacity report appendices 2006 (pdf / 497 KB)

Pedestrian survey for the Ryedale retail capacity main report 2006.
 Annex 2: Pedestrian survey for Ryedale retail capacity report 2006 (pdf / 73 KB)

Part of the Ryedale retail capacity study.
 Annex 3: Household survey for retail capacity study 2006 (pdf / 227 KB)

Data underpinning Ryedale retail capacity and impact assessment update.
 Appendices to retail capacity update 2011 (pdf / 2 MB)

Data that informs the 2008 update.
 Appendix to retail capacity update 2008 (pdf / 3 MB)

Update of retail capacity and impact work to inform Ryedale’s core strategy.
 Retail capacity impact assessment 2011 (pdf / 923 KB)

Update of 2006 retail capacity study to reflect new data with forecasts beyond 2015.
 Retail capacity update 2008 (pdf / 673 KB)

Study to determine the role and function of each of the town centres in Ryedale district and their position in the retail hierarchy
 Ryedale retail capacity study: main report 2006 (pdf / 970 KB)

Industrial strategy

 A strategy for Malton Town Centre (pdf / 2 MB)

 Malton Town Centre strategy consultation results (pdf / 2 MB)

The Yorkshire and Humber Plan up to 2026
 Regional spatial strategy for Yorkshire and Humber (pdf / 2 MB)

Plans for using water until 2012.
 River Derwent: Catchment abstraction strategy part one (pdf / 3 MB)

This is part of the regional spatial strategy for Yorkshire and Humber.
 River Derwent: Catchment abstraction strategy part two (pdf / 3 MB)

 The regional spatial strategy for Yorkshire and Humber partial revocation order 2013 (pdf / 50 KB)

The Ryedale local plan strategy forms part of the local plan, which is the planning framework for the area
 The Ryedale local plan strategy (pdf / 3 MB)

A plan to meet regional habitat targets and their associated species needs as part of the UK biodiversity action plan.
 Yorkshire and Humber biodiversity delivery plan and strategy 2010-15 (pdf / 1017 KB)

Evidence base documents - environmental

Catchment abstraction

Flood risk

Scarborough Borough and Ryedale level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021) appendices
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 appendices (pdf / 769 KB)

Scarborough Borough and Ryedale Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021) final report
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 final report (pdf / 2 MB)

Key map for the Scarborough Borough and Ryedale level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021)
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 key map (pdf / 2 MB)

Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering the east of Ryedale, including villages Sherburn, Staxton and Willerby
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map D5 (pdf / 13 MB)

Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Helmsley
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Helmsley (pdf / 2 MB)

Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Kirkbymoorside, including Keldholme and Kirby Mills
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB)

Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Malton and Norton, including Old Malton
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Pickering
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Pickering (pdf / 3 MB)

Four level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering the most northern points of Ryedale
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps C1-C4 (pdf / 19 MB)

Four level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering mid-north Ryedale, including the Vale of Pickering
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps D1-D4 (pdf / 27 MB)

Five level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering mid-south Ryedale, including the Howardian Hills and the Wolds
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps E1-E5 (pdf / 15 MB)

Four level 1 strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering south Ryedale, including some Wolds villages
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps F1-F4 (pdf / 15 MB)

Air quality

An assessment of the air quality impacts of a range of development scenarios on the Malton air quality management area (AQMA).
 Malton and Norton air quality assessment 2017 (pdf / 2 MB)

An update to the screening assessment of air quality in Ryedale as a whole.
 Ryedale air quality screening assessment 2012 (pdf / 2 MB)


Identifies Ryedale species and habitats of significance and sets out objectives, targets and actions to protect and enhance the wildlife.

 Ryedale biodiversity action plan 2007-2012 (pdf / 4 MB)

A plan to meet regional habitat targets and their associated species needs as part of UK Biodiversity Action Plan.

 Yorkshire and Humber biodiversity delivery plan and strategy 2010-15 (pdf / 1017 KB)

 Habitats regulation assessment final Ryedale plan (pdf / 7 MB)

Green infrastructure

Evidence base documents - infrastructure

Sustainable energy

Document is designed to assist local authorities to develop a local energy strategy and energy action plan.
 Delivering sustainable energy in North Yorkshire 2005 (pdf / 885 KB)

Showing landscape sensitivity to various energy uses to enable North Yorkshire to create plans for sustainable energy.
 Delivering sustainable energy in North Yorkshire: Land sensitivity maps (pdf / 1 MB)

Document with planning guidance to encourage sustainable energy within the county.
 Delivering sustainable energy in North Yorkshire: Planning guidance 2005 (pdf / 908 KB)

Renewable energy

Complete the development enquiry form: renewable energy to see if you need planning permission.
 Development enquiry form: renewable energy (pdf / 465 KB)

An assessment of the resources available to set targets, policies and strategies.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Executive summary (pdf / 2 MB)

Scenarios for energy generation and action plans for delivery as part of the main report into assessing resources.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 3 (pdf / 4 MB)

Recommendations and appendices as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 4 (pdf / 2 MB)

Appendices with energy sources by Local Authority as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 5 (pdf / 4 MB)

Appendices with maps as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 6 (pdf / 3 MB)

Appendices with maps as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 7 (pdf / 3 MB)

Appendices with maps as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 8 (pdf / 4 MB)

Appendices with maps as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 9 (pdf / 4 MB)

Appendices with maps as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Part 10 (pdf / 3 MB)

Appendices with graph as part of the main report.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber 2011: Ryedale energy summaries (pdf / 11 KB)

An assessment of the energy resources to set targets, policies and strategies.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber: Final report (pdf / 3 MB)

Data underpinning an assessment of the resources available for low carbon and renewable energy generation.
 Low carbon and renewable energy capacity in Yorkshire and Humber: Part 2 (pdf / 4 MB)

This study has considered those resources within the region that are most likely to be exploited by 2010 and 2021.
 Renewable energy assessment and targets for Yorkshire and Humber: Energy sources (pdf / 1 MB)

This report presents the findings of a study to develop an assessment and targets for renewable energy to 2021.
 Renewable energy assessment and targets for Yorkshire and the Humber: Volume 1 main report 2002 (pdf / 546 KB)

Data underpinning findings to develop an assessment and targets for renewable energy to 2021.
 Renewable energy assessment and targets for Yorkshire and Humber: Volume 2 annexes (pdf / 602 KB)

Strategic transport assessments

Data supporting this study evaluating the traffic impacts associated with development by 2026.
 Malton and Norton strategic transport assessment 2010: Addendum (pdf / 2 MB)

The study evaluates the traffic impacts associated with development in Malton and Norton by 2026.
 Malton and Norton strategic transport assessment 2010: Final report (pdf / 2 MB)

Open space studies

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Allotments (pdf / 584 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Appendix (pdf / 964 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Cemeteries and churchyards (pdf / 100 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Children and young children (pdf / 2 MB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Executive summary (pdf / 158 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Green corridors (pdf / 103 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Indoor facilities (pdf / 1 MB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Informal market town open space (pdf / 1 MB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Introduction and background (pdf / 187 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Outdoor space facilities (pdf / 917 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Planning of provision in Ryedale (pdf / 172 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Undertaking the study (pdf / 117 KB)

Setting out guiding principals when considering local demand and need for space rather than following national trends.
 Open space study 2007: Village amenity green space (pdf / 371 KB)

Evidence base documents - landscape and heritage

Settlement analysis

Commentary on the 2009 strategic housing land availability assessment.
 The Ryedale Plan: Settlement analysis part 1 (pdf / 4 MB)

The 2009 strategic housing land availability assessment with maps of the major settlements in Ryedale.
 The Ryedale Plan: Settlement analysis part 2 (pdf / 2 MB)

The 2009 strategic housing land availability assessment with maps of villages in the Ryedale area.
 The Ryedale Plan: Settlement analysis part 3 (pdf / 2 MB)


A report based on the study, record and analysis of the historic character of the landscape in North Yorkshire, York and the Lower Tees Valley.
 Historic landscape characterisation – North Yorkshire, York and Lower Tees Valley (pdf / 6 MB)

Map from 1856 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Helmsley 1856 (pdf / 4 MB)

A historic cultural map as part of capacity study for development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB)

Map from 1850 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1850 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1895 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1895 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1914 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1914 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1952 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1952 (pdf / 3 MB)

A historic cultural map, part of capacity study development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1854 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1854 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1892 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1892 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1912 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1912 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1938 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1938 (pdf / 3 MB)

A historic cultural map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1891 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1891 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1913 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1913 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1938 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1938 (pdf / 3 MB)

Special qualities

A map of Helmsley as part of the report on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special Qualities Study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Helmsley (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1895 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Helmsley 1895 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1914 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Helmsley 1914 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1850 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1850 (pdf / 2 MB)

Map from 1856 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Helmsley 1856 (pdf / 4 MB)

A historic cultural map as part of capacity study for development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB)

Map from 1850 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1850 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1895 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1895 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1914 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1914 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1952 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Kirkbymoorside 1952 (pdf / 3 MB)

A historic cultural map, part of capacity study development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1854 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1854 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1892 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1892 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1912 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1912 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1938 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Malton and Norton 1938 (pdf / 3 MB)

A historic cultural map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1891 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1891 (pdf / 3 MB)

Map from 1913 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1913 (pdf / 4 MB)

Map from 1938 as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Historic Pickering 1938 (pdf / 3 MB)

A historic cultural map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): History Helmsley (pdf / 1 MB)

A map as part of the report on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 3 MB)

A location map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Location Helmsley (pdf / 2 MB)

A location map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Location Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB)

A location map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Location Malton and Norton (pdf / 2 MB)

A location map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Location Pickering (pdf / 3 MB)

A map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Malton and Norton (pdf / 4 MB)

A natural phenomena map as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Natural Helmsley (pdf / 2 MB)

A natural phenomena map as part of capacity study for development, considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Natural Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 3 MB)

A natural phenomena map is part of the capacity study, considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Natural Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

A natural phenomena map is part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Natural Pickering (pdf / 2 MB)

A map of Pickering as part of the study on the capacity for development by considering key features and attributes.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (updated 2016): Pickering (pdf / 4 MB)

To establish what the capacity is for development by considering the key features and attributes of the towns.
 Special qualities study of Ryedale’s Market Towns, July 2010 (pdf / 4 MB)

Howardian Hills

An assessment with map and photos of the landscape with references to human activity.
 The Howardian Hill landscape: Chapter 3 (pdf / 2 MB)

An assessment with map and photos of the Howardian Hills landscape including reference to human activity.
 The Howardian Hills landscape: Chapter 4-6 (pdf / 3 MB)


Evidence to designate the Wolds and fringe of the Moors as areas of high landscape value.
 Appendix to area of high landscape value report (pdf / 3 MB)

Evidence for the Ryedale Local Plan to make the Wolds and fringes of the Moors as Areas of High Landscape value.
 Are of High Landscape Value: Wolds and fringe of Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

A report based on the study, record and analysis of the historic character of the landscape in North Yorkshire, York and the Lower Tees Valley.
 Historic landscape characterisation – North Yorkshire, York and Lower Tees Valley (pdf / 6 MB)

Data and information that underpins this assessment of the landscapes of the County of Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: Appendices (pdf / 2 MB)

An assessment of the changes in landscape to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: change in the landscape (pdf / 2 MB)

An assessment from 1995 of the landscape and human activity to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: Introduction and method (pdf / 1 MB)

The 3rd section of an assessment of the landscape and human activity to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: summary of types (pdf / 2 MB)

The 8th section with an assessment of the landscape and human activity of this area to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: the Jurassic Hills (pdf / 5 MB)

The 7th section of an assessment of the landscape of the Vale of York to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: Vale of York (pdf / 4 MB)

An assessment of the landscape and human activity of this area to aid future management.
 Humberside and Yorkshire Wolds landscape: Yorkshire Wolds (pdf / 5 MB)

A report into the landscape and human activity of this part of the Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscape of Northern Ryedale: Area D Fringe of the Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity in this part of Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Norther Ryedale: Area I Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

Appendices to the study on changes in the landscape, methodology and references.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Appendices (pdf / 3 MB)

Area A of the study exploring the Moors landscape and human activity.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area A Fringe of Moors (pdf / 2 MB)

Area A of the study exploring the landscape and human activity.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area A Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

A report exploring the landscape and human activity in Area B of the Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area B Fringe of the Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

A report into the landscape and human activity of this area of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area B Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

A report into the landscape and human activity of this part of the Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area C Fringe of Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

A report into the landscapes and human activity of this area of Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area E Fringe of the Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

Report into the landscapes and human activity of this part of the Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area F Fringe of the Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity of this part of the Fringe of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area G Fringe of the Moors (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring landscapes and human activity in this part of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area H Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity in this area of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area J Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity of this part of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area K Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity in this part of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area L Vale of Pickering (pdf / 1 MB)

Report exploring the landscapes and human activity in this area of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Area M Vale of Pickering (pdf / 872 KB)

Section 3 of the study explores the history and present of the Moors.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Fringes of the Moors (pdf / 3 MB)

Contents and introduction to study of the Vale of Pickering and the Fringe of North York Moors National Park.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Introduction (pdf / 2 MB)

A map to inform the landscape character assessment made in 1999.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Map of the area (pdf / 14 MB)

Section 5 explores how the guidelines of the study can be implemented.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: The way forward (pdf / 2 MB)

Section 2 of the study looking at the boundaries in these landscapes.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Understanding the boundaries (pdf / 576 KB)

Section 4 of the study explores the history and present of the Vale of Pickering.
 Landscapes of Northern Ryedale: Vale of Pickering (pdf / 4 MB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes within North Yorkshire and York.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 1 (pdf / 950 KB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes within North Yorkshire and York.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 2 (pdf / 1 MB)

Part 3 of a report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes, including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 3 (pdf / 1 MB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes, including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 4 (pdf / 856 KB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes, including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 5 (pdf / 653 KB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes, including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 7 (pdf / 1 MB)

Report setting out strategic approaches to landscapes, including National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
 North Yorkshire and York landscape characterisation project 2011: Part 8 (pdf / 3 MB)

Planning guidance about landscaping on development sites in Ryedale.
 Supplementary planning guidance on landscaping (pdf / 4 MB)

An assessment with map and photos of the landscape with references to human activity.
 The Howardian Hill landscape: Chapter 3 (pdf / 2 MB)

An assessment with map and photos of the Howardian Hills landscape including reference to human activity.
 The Howardian Hills landscape: Chapter 4-6 (pdf / 3 MB)

Evidence base documents - strategic flood risk assessment maps

Strategic flood risk assessment

Scarborough Borough and Ryedale level one strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021) appendices
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 appendices (pdf / 769 KB)

Scarborough Borough and Ryedale level one strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021) final report
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 final report (pdf / 2 MB)

Key map for the Scarborough Borough and Ryedale level one strategic flood risk assessment (November 2021)
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 key map (pdf / 2 MB)

Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering the east of Ryedale, including villages Sherburn, Staxton and Willerby
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map D5 (pdf / 13 MB)

Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Helmsley
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Helmsley (pdf / 2 MB)

Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Kirkbymoorside, including Keldholme and Kirby Mills
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Kirkbymoorside (pdf / 2 MB)

Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Malton and Norton, including Old Malton
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Malton and Norton (pdf / 3 MB)

Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) map covering Pickering
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 map for Pickering (pdf / 3 MB)

Four Level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering the most northern points of Ryedale
 Level one strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps C1-C4 (pdf / 19 MB)

Four level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering mid-north Ryedale, including the Vale of Pickering
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps D1-D4 (pdf / 27 MB)

Five level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering mid-south Ryedale, including the Howardian Hills and the Wolds
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps E1-E5 (pdf / 15 MB)

Four level one strategic flood risk assessment (2021) maps covering south Ryedale, including some Wolds villages
 Strategic flood risk assessment 2021 maps F1-F4 (pdf / 15 MB)