Ryedale Plan: Local Plan Strategy

The Local Plan Strategy is a really important part of our Ryedale Plan.

It sets out our long-term vision for Ryedale and guides public and private sector investment until 2027.

It shows the:

  • expected levels of development that will take place in Ryedale
  • types of new development that will meet Ryedale’s needs
  • sorts of changes that will happen in different locations
  • types of projects and investments needed to successfully deliver the strategy and support growth and local communities

Our Local Plan Strategy also forms part of our Development Plan, which is used to assess planning applications.

 Local plan strategy (pdf / 3 MB)
 Amendment to policies SP3 and SP11 (pdf / 56 KB)
 Inspector's report (pdf / 806 KB)
 Adoption statement (pdf / 77 KB)
 Sustainability appraisal (pdf / 1 MB)