Past consultations

Details of our past consultations.

Business premises and location survey

This survey was undertaken to gain an up-to-date picture of the needs, aspirations and/or requirements of existing businesses in the district. The data collected from 123 responses received were used to inform the development of future strategies and policies on economic growth, as well as the Employment Land Review which has informed the policies proposed to be included in the Local Plan review.

Local green space consultation

This consultation specifically invited the submission of land and sites to be considered for ‘local green space designation’. The designation of land as local green space gives communities the opportunity to identify and protect green areas of particular importance, subject to meeting the criteria as set out within the National planning policy framework (2019). The consultation ran from 30 May 2019 to 9 August 2019.

Further information is available within the  local green space designation guidance (pdf / 61 KB).

The consultation has now closed and all of the local green space designations submitted are being considered. Those found to meet the requirements will be published as part of the Preferred Options consultation for further comment.

Housing ownership survey

As part of ongoing work in reviewing our housing need evidence, a survey was undertaken of households living and working, or with close family connections, in Richmondshire. This survey was to assess the demand for homes to be sold at a discount below the market value, or other discounted routes to home ownership. The survey ran from 1 June 2019 to 15 July 2019.

The home ownership survey has now closed. The results will be used to inform the preparation of the housing policies. These policies will be published as part of the Preferred Options consultation and will be available for further comment.

Further information

Should you require further information on any of the above surveys please contact us.