Local Plan 2012 – 2028

The Richmondshire Local Plan 2012-28: Core Strategy was adopted by us on 9 December 2014.

 Richmondshire Local Plan 2012-28: Core Strategy (pdf / 3 MB)

It provides strategic development policies for the part of the district that is outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It was examined by an independent inspector, with hearings held in February 2014.

The inspector’s report was received on 20 October 2014 and concluded that the plan was sound, subject to a number of modifications, which are listed in the inspector’s report and the adopted core strategy incorporates the inspector’s recommendations.

For further information visit our core strategy adoption page, including the inspector's report.

Following the adoption of the Richmondshire Local Plan 2012-2028: Core Strategy, all saved policies within the Richmondshire Local Plan 1999-2006 except Policy 23 - Development Limits are now superseded and no longer saved.

 Policy 23 - development limits (pdf / 10 KB) will be saved until development limits and land use allocations are updated in the Local Plan 2014-2039, but it is modified by Core Policy CP4, which enables the assessment of development proposals both within and adjacent to the areas defined in Policy 23. This is necessary to ensure that the council’s statutory development plan is consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Policy 23 development limits were first defined in the mid-1990s and are out of date under NPPF para 14.

Development Limits are viewable on the Local Plan Policy map.

Core Strategy examination process

A wide range of documents was produced and published through the preparation of the Local Plan 2012-2028 Core Strategy covering:

  • modifications consultation
  • post-submission documents and examination
  • post-submission correspondence
  • submission documents: The Local Plan 2012-28 Core Strategy, representations and other statutory documents
  • plan preparation: Earlier versions of the Local Plan 2012-28 Core Strategy
  • technical evidence: Research into local conditions that underpin the Local Plan 2012-28
  • core strategy policies and strategies: Related policy documents

All of the documents can be found on our core strategy examination process page.

Planning policies map

You can find our planning policies map online here.