Community infrastructure levy

The community infrastructure levy (CIL) is a planning charge that we can levy on new developments in our area.

The money can be used to fund important infrastructure identified in the Local Plan 2012-28 Core Strategy, such as road schemes or additional school places.

CIL works alongside Section 106 Agreements, which deal with site-specific infrastructure needs.

We must follow the process set out in government regulations before we can adopt a CIL:

  • up-to-date evidence base required for CIL charging schedule
  • preliminary draft CIL charging schedule
  • public consultation
  • draft charging schedule
  • public consultation and submission
  • independent examination in public
  • adoption of CIL charging schedule

The CIL preliminary draft charging schedule, covering the district outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park, was published for consultation from 24 October 2016 to 2 December 2016. But further work has been halted until the government outlines its reforms to the developer contributions in the autumn Budget 2017.