Local land charges in Selby

This service is delivered differently in each area of the county. This information relates to the former district of Selby. Looking for information in another area of the county? You can change the location here.

Information on local land charges and how to submit a search.

The Local Land Charges Register has migrated to Land Registry’s national register. You can access the new online service through the Land Registry's Portal and on the land charges pages on the government website.

We continue to provide replies to Con29 enquiries.

CON29 information

The CON29 contains two parts (the CON29 and the CON29O). The CON29 contains a list of standard enquiries which allows the potential purchaser to find out specific information relating to the property. This can include information on matters such as the planning history of the property and any road schemes affecting the property.

The CON29O contains a list of optional enquiries which may also be requested by the potential purchaser to gain additional information about the property such as information on any gas pipelines or environment and pollution notices. 

CON29 search fees

CON29 £118.08 (£141.70 including VAT)
CON29 (additional parcel) £17 (£20.40 including VAT)
CON29O (we do not answer optional questions 7,8,16) £24 (£28.80 including VAT)

If you have additional questions about this service please contact us.

How to submit a search

We only accept electronic applications for CON29 searches

Search requests can be submitted electronically by downloading our  Local Land Charge searches form (docx / 42 KB).

Please contact us to return the form once completed with all required details along with a plan.

Unfortunately, we are not able to answer optional enquiries 7, 8 and 16 in section E, please forward these requests directly to the providers. Details of this can be found below. We will not take any payment for these questions.

If you would like to pay by credit or debit card, please contact us after submitting your request to enable payment to be made over the phone. Your request will then be processed and the CON29 result will be returned to you by email, so please provide an email address on your application. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque for the correct fee payable to North Yorkshire Council and post it to us at the Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT for the attention of Land Charges.

When payment is received, your request will be processed and the CON29 result returned to you via email.

Information to provide

All requests for CON29 information submitted, either directly to us or by a third party service must also provide a suitable Ordinance Survey style map with the site area clearly outlined in red and for clarification purposes the map must include a minimum of two street names. Searches submitted with a map not complying with this criteria will be rejected.

Plot addresses are not accepted, we only accept the full official registered address for properties. If a request is submitted with a plot address instead of the registered address, the request will be rejected. When submitting requests for properties on new developments, a plot plan is required which has the search property outlined in red. Also a development plan for the whole of the relevant development is required. This plan needs to have the search property outlined in red and also at least two existing roads clearly labelled for location purposes.

Not accepted Accepted
Plan with 1 or less roads labelled Plan with at least two clearly labelled roads
Search area not clearly outlined Search area clearly outlined in red
Plot addresses Full Official Registered address
Plan without roads that lead to the property shown Development plan with at least two existing roads clearly labelled and also all roads leading up to the property shown
Brief phrases written in Box C Up to three specific roads labelled on plan and specified in Box C or coloured in a specific colour and specified in Box C

Parcels of land

If a request contains more than one property or piece of land (separated by a road or river) the extra properties or pieces of land may qualify as parcels of land. If the properties or pieces of land are directly adjacent to each other or only separated by a road or river and all of the properties are being purchased in one transaction these would qualify as a parcel of land. Each additional parcel of land will generate a cost. If the properties or pieces of land do not fall under these criteria, the properties or pieces of land will need submitting as separate search requests.

Boxes B and C – description of property and other roads

When submitting an application form please make sure your application includes as much information as possible to assist with the search. The use of phrases such as “all roads”, “any roads abutting” or “any or all roads in the vicinity” are invalid for the purposes of identification, also un-named roads cannot be identified. Where a road name is not available a plan of the roads must be submitted with your application. Poor quality or inadequate plans will result in cases being cancelled and mean that they have to be resubmitted.

The necessary information will be passed on to our highways team to provide answers to the search. We would appreciate your assistance with providing the above information to make sure searches are not delayed or made invalid

Parks and Countryside (optional enquiry 7)

Question 7.1 - there have not been any Orders made under s.82 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 within the district of Selby.

For question 7.2 - we do not have any properties within a National Park designated under s.7 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.

Pipelines (optional enquiry 8)

Please enquire direct using the LSBUD website and the linewatch website.

Mineral consultation areas (optional enquiry 16)

Please contact us to send mineral queries.

Copies of documents revealed in a search

Please contact us for copies of documents revealed in a search. A fee may be payable for obtaining these documents.


For drainage enquiries, contact safemove@yorkshirewater.com.

You can find more information on the Safe Move website.

Personal searches

The Local Land Charges Register has migrated to Land Registry’s national register. You can access the new online service through the Land Registry's Portal and on the land charges pages on the government website.

Land ownership

We do not hold a register of private land ownership. This information is held by Land Registry. You can search or order an official copy of the register using the Land Registry online service.

More guidance

You can find guidance on buying a home on the government website and guidance on selling a home on the government website.