Apply for planning permission in the Selby area

The easiest way to submit an application is online, via the Planning Portal website. You can complete the application form, attach supporting documents and pay fees online, saving you the cost of printing and posting.

Apply via the Planning Portal

Planning application forms can be downloaded from the Planning Portal.

When submitting an application, you may wish to view  our guidance notes (pdf / 111 KB).

Further information is also available in the  what to submit - a best practice guide (pdf / 510 KB).

All applications


Planning application fees can be paid by contacting us, by cheque made out to "North Yorkshire Council" or alternatively by bank transfer.

If you would like to make payment by bank transfer please contact our planning support team.


Design and access statements

Biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity net gain will be a statutory requirement for major planning applications from 12 February 2024. Further information regarding this can be found on our biodiversity net gain page.

Validation local list

We use the North Yorkshire Local List for the validation of planning applications.

This document has been prepared in conjunction with the majority of the North Yorkshire authorities and will provide a single standard for the submission of documentation to make a planning application valid.


Planning applications will not be validated if they are not accompanied by the correct local list or do not comply fully with its requirements.

Other things to consider

Contaminated land requirements

In certain cases, a planning application may require a contaminated land assessment. This can range from a simple screening assessment form, a phase one preliminary risk assessment up to a phase four works verification.

A contaminated land assessment is always required if the development relates to a proposed vulnerable end use to any type of land. An example of vulnerable end uses are:

  • all residential developments (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.)
  • allotments
  • schools
  • nurseries and crèches
  • children’s play areas
  • playing fields
  • mixed use developments including vulnerable end uses

For further information about vulnerable end uses and potentially contaminated land uses please refer to our technical guidance linked below.

The following guidance should assist developers, landowners and consultants who intend to introduce a vulnerable end use to land or wish to redevelop or significantly change the use of buildings or land which could be potentially contaminated.

This guidance includes a helpful flow chart to advise what is required and specifies what information should be submitted to us.

 Development on land affected by contamination guidance (pdf / 1 MB)
 Verification of cover systems YALPAG guidance version 4.1 (pdf / 1 MB)
 Verification requirements for gas protection systems YALPAG guidance version 1.1 (pdf / 4 MB)

Flood risk sequential test

 Sequential test developer guidance note - October 2019 (pdf / 248 KB)

This guidance note describes what our approach will be when applying the sequential test for planning applications that are located within flood zones 2 and 3. It has been formulated in collaboration with the Environment Agency and supersedes the previous guidance note that was published on our website in August 2019.

We want to encourage development in the right places with the lowest risk of flooding, however, there must be a pragmatic approach which supports the redevelopment of brownfield sites and steers development to the main settlements as set out in the Core Strategy 2013. The guidance note above has been produced to guide developers when undertaking the sequential test and to consider mitigation measures to ensure the delivery of development.

Please consult the guidance and discuss any queries with development management or planning policy through a pre-app meeting or through the planning process with your designated development management officer.

Contaminated land requirements

The community infrastructure levy is a levy which we have adopted. It allows us to fund infrastructure by charging on developments. Applicants should be aware of the impact community infrastructure levy may have on their application. Please visit our community infrastructure levy page for further details.

We have adopted the community infrastructure levy and all applications are required to complete the following document:

If you do not send all the information we need your application will be deemed invalid.

Application forms and guidance

Certificate of ownership form

Hazardous substances

Modify or discharge Section 106

Temporary change of use

Notification of prior approval forms

To download notification for prior approval forms please visit the planning portal downloadable form page.