Do I need planning permission in the Scarborough area?

Before starting work, you may want to check whether you need to apply for planning permission.

We offer advice to find out:

  • if a proposal needs planning permission - this service only answers this question. It should be used when you do not know if you need permission and you would like to find out
  • if a proposal, which needs permission, is acceptable - this service establishes if a proposal, which you know requires permission, is acceptable. For instance, you know it needs planning permission and you would like to find out if permission is likely to be granted before going to the expense of preparing and submitting an application

Do I need planning permission?

Unfortunately, this is not a simple question.

We need to check the history of the property. We have to look at and consider the local constraints, for example, is it a listed building, is it in a conservation area, is there an Article 4 Direction in place, have permitted development rights been removed by planning conditions, and so on). We also need to interpret the national legislation, which can be complex. Therefore, we offer a service where all this work is done and you receive confirmation of our decision in writing for your peace of mind, for record purposes when/if you are selling your property or to show to anyone who questions your right to build/install. Due to the level of investigation involved, we cannot answer such enquiries over the telephone.

Please note that from 1 August 2024 the permitted development fee will increase to £90. The increase will ensure that fees no longer vary across the authority.


If you are unsure whether alterations to your home require planning permission you can complete our  householder do I need planning permission form (pdf / 1 MB). We will then check whether your proposal will need planning permission and advise you accordingly. This check is provided for a fee of £90.


If you are unsure if alterations to your business or a change of use will require planning permission you can complete our  commercial do I need planning permission form (pdf / 183 KB) /  commercial do I need planning permission form - word version (docx / 39 KB). We will check if planning permission will be required and advise you accordingly. This check is provided for a fee of £90.

All enquiries will receive a written response, but please make sure you have answered all our questions, paid the fee of £90, and please provide as much additional information as possible to help us understand your proposal. We can only begin to assess your enquiry once we have sufficient information to make an assessment and the fee has been paid. Having to ask for further information/payment incurs further delays.

Permitted development

Certain works can be carried out without the need to apply for planning permission. This is known as permitted development.

The Planning Portal offers general advice including interactive tools and mini-guides for common projects. However, we would still advise the submission of a do I need planning permission form, as the Planning Portal are unaware of our local constraints. 

In addition, customers who have not undertaken a do I need planning permission check often find on selling their property that questions are raised regarding works and solicitors are keen to have confirmation that permission was not required. We would ask you to note that we cannot prioritise enquiries in this position and would advise that enquiries are made in advance of work taking place. 

Can I get confirmation that I don't need permission?

If you are satisfied that your proposed works do not require planning permission, you can apply for confirmation in the form of a lawful development certificate. There is a fee for this application.

Please use the Planning Portal calculator to find the current fee. You are looking for a lawful development certificate: proposed use.

Make a payment

Please contact us and stay on the line to speak to an advisor (the automated payments line does not handle planning-related payments). When speaking to an advisor please state you are paying for a do I need planning permission enquiry. The advisor should ask you for some details, name etc. If you have a reference number please give this to the advisor. If not, the address to which the enquiry relates will be most helpful. The advisor will process your payment. New payment regulation rules to increase security and prevent card fraud means that the advisor cannot personally take your card details. You will be asked to do this yourself through your phone.

With regards to BACs payments, these can be made but should always include a reference which relates to planning, this helps our colleagues in accounts to tie the payment to planning services.