For our own development (Regulation 3) applications, where relevant, the ‘description of proposed development’ should include the following:
- built extensions (refer to no. of storey, sq. metre of floor space, no. of classrooms, purpose for instance, kitchen, office, classroom, entrance lobby, changing room etc)
- new build (detached) (refer to no. of storey, sq. metre of floor space, no. of classrooms, purpose for instance, kitchen, office, classroom, entrance lobby, changing room etc)
- temporary units/buildings/classrooms (including the above detail plus state proposed duration (months or years) to be positioned on site)
- demolition works (including sq. metre of floor space)
- new or extended car parking areas (including sq. metre area)
- new or extended playground areas/multi-use games areas (including sq. metre area)
- canopies, shelters
- play equipment
- cycle racks/shelters
- new footpaths
- access ramps
- means of enclosure (gates, walls, fences and height and type, for instance, weld mesh, bow top, palisade)
- external lighting (number and height, low level bollard or lighting column)
- solar panels
- CCTV fixed and pole mounted
- external fixed plant (air handling, a/c units, electrical supply housing etc)
- tree, hedge and shrub removal works (numbers not required)
- earthworks/levelling
- new vehicular access off [insert road name]
- hard and soft landscaping works (numbers not required)
- any proposed change of use should specify the existing and proposed use class
- for minor development works which materially affect the external appearance of a building refer to elevation changes relating to windows, doors, roof alterations and roof lights etc.
Example 1: Construction of a floodlit 3G artificial grass pitch (circa 2,500m2) with fencing varying in height from 1.2 m to 4.5 m, 6 no. 15 m high lighting columns, 3 m wide path, access gates, hardstanding and associated earthworks.
Example 2: Demolition of outbuilding (34 sq. metres) and the replacement with a single storey extension to the School House (48 sq. metres) to provide kitchen and dining facilities.
Example 3: Change of use of field from agricultural use to D1 use for school playing field.