A “wonderfully inclusive” primary school which provides a wealth of opportunities for pupils who are eager to learn has received a glowing Ofsted report.
Staff and pupils at Markington Church of England Primary and Nursery School are celebrating after a good Ofsted grading, which identifies the ‘outstanding’ behaviour, attitudes and early years provision.
Inspectors recently visited the school located between Ripon and Harrogate and described a “wonderfully caring and aspirational” facility, praising ambitious and engaging lessons, in particular how the curriculum has been carefully tailored to meet the needs of the mixed-age classes.
The inspectors also praised the “wonderfully inclusive” environment which pupils experienced.
Reading is a priority at the school and children make rapid progress. The Ofsted report also highlighted the “excellent level” of support received by pupils with special educational needs and disabilities whose “needs are well understood and met in a bespoke way”.
The children’s passion for reading, “exceptional behaviour”, and “mature approach” were also recognised, along with the school’s Christian vision which helps children recognise their individual talents.
Early years staff were commended for their exceptionally high-quality interactions, which enable children to be “well prepared for the next stage in their learning” - with inspectors describing the curriculum as “highly ambitious”.
The school’s outdoor area was praised for being filled with a varied range of open-ended learning opportunities encouraging children to explore and make connections across different areas of their education.
Meanwhile, inspectors saw how the Phunky Foods programme introduced children to new and exciting fruit and vegetables.
Our assistant director for education, learning and skill, Amanda Newbold, said: “This is a fantastic report and my congratulations to the staff and governors at Markington Church of England Primary School for their dedication, hard work and commitment for continuing to contribute to the impressive progress of the school.”
The executive headteacher of both Markington Church of England Primary and Nursery School and Birstwith Church of England School, Rebecca Lyman, said: “We are delighted that our aspirational, inclusive school has been recognised by Ofsted for providing children with a wonderful education.
Our school is highly inclusive and ambitious for all pupils. As a result, all pupils achieve well - and we are delighted with that.
“We are also pleased that the inspectors commended our well-developed curriculum and our early years provision ensuring an excellent start to school life.”