Library visitors across North Yorkshire are being encouraged to take advantage of new-look wellbeing bags aimed at boosting mental health.
The initiative was launched in 2019, when wellbeing bags filled with books and activities were first available to borrow. The bags have since been borrowed by library users more than 570 times.
The new contents include playing cards, a stress ball and notebook, along with a different colouring book, jigsaw puzzle and puzzle book. They also include a book from the library’s Reading Well collection.
The bags can be borrowed by groups or individuals to use at home, in the library or out in the community.
Corporate director of community development, Nic Harne, said: “Our libraries are proud to provide a safe space, offering vital resources to encourage people to practice self-care and enhance mental wellbeing.
“The bags have proved popular for the last five years, and we are pleased to be able to revamp their contents. This means those who have borrowed the bags can enjoy new additions.
“I would also encourage anybody who hasn’t yet done so to see what the resources can do for them.”
Wellbeing bags can be borrowed for three weeks from any North Yorkshire library for free with visitors using their library card.
For more information, contact your local library.