Two new forums to forge closer bonds with landlords in North Yorkshire are to take place in the county over the next two months.
Advice and legislation updates will be given at the landlord forums in Selby on Thursday, 29 February, and in Harrogate on Tuesday, 12 March.
The initiative aims to give private landlords, letting and managing agents, estate landlords and people involved with private sector housing a forum to gather information and updates on changing legislation.
The Selby forum - at 3.45pm at Selby Civic Centre – will include representatives from North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, The Energy Doctor and the National Residential Landlords Association.
The Harrogate forum - at 4pm at Harrogate Civic Centre – will include presentations from North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, North Yorkshire Council and the National Residential Landlords Association. There will also be advice on tax planning, wealth management and general information.
Executive member for housing, Cllr Simon Myers, said: “These forums are a great way for us to support landlords across North Yorkshire. They provide news on important information and any changes to legislation as well as updates from us and partner agencies.
“I encourage everyone to attend and take advantage of this great networking opportunity.”
To book for the Harrogate forum, register on the National Residential Landlords Association website.