Candidates standing at Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone election

A ballot box

Five candidates will contest a by-election in North Yorkshire later next month.

Nominations for the Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division seat have closed with voters going to the polls on Thursday, 11 April.

The candidates are: Gilly Charters (Green Party candidate); John Radcliffe Ennis (The Conservative Party Candidate); Geoff Foxall (Labour Party); Jonathan Mark Swales (Reform UK Party Candidate); and Andrew David Timothy (Liberal Democrats).

Voting will take place from 7am to 10pm with the election count taking place in the evening after the close of polling. The by-election is being held following the resignation of a former councillor.

Residents of the Stray, Woodlands and Hookstone division have until midnight on Friday, 22 March, to register to vote and until 5pm on Monday, 25 March, to apply for a postal vote. If someone is unable to vote in person or by post they have until 5pm on Wednesday, 3 April, to apply for a proxy vote.

Voters attending the polling station for the by-election on Thursday, 11 April, will need to bring photographic identification to be able to vote.

There are many accepted forms of ID, including a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence, full or provisional; a UK passport or a passport issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man, or any of the Channel Islands; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass or blue badge. Voters will be able to use expired ID if they are still recognisable from the photo.

Anyone without an accepted form of ID should apply for a free voter authority certificate by 5pm on Wednesday, April 3.

You can Register to vote and apply for a postal vote. Apply online for voter ID.

See more information on the by-election.