Residents in a small parish close to Skipton will have influence over future planning decisions in their community following support for its neighbourhood plan.
Support for the Bradleys Both Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) was given by members of our executive today (Tuesday, 19 September).
The community-led plan sets out the vision, objectives and planning policies relating to the parish, which serves the villages of Low and High Bradley.
It has already been independently examined and this summer residents were asked to take part in a referendum on its use. Eighty per cent of the residents who voted said they wanted it to be used to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.
Executive member for planning, Cllr Derek Bastiman, said: “Neighbourhood Plans contribute to our Council Plan to support local people to become more actively involved in their communities.
“The plan also gives us an opportunity to set out and deliver a countywide approach to tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions. The plan includes policies to guide those aims within the designated area.”
The Neighbourhood Development Plan will form part of the statutory development plan for the area along with the adopted Craven Local Plan (2019).