A community grant scheme to help fund projects across Ryedale will open for its first round of applications early next month (July).
Any Ryedale community-based organisation or group can apply for up to £5,000 to help fund schemes that make a positive impact on community-owned or managed facilities and activities such as village halls, play areas, sports facilities, village-owned shops and projects that support the local community.
Applications will be considered for projects requiring funding for capital projects, such as building improvements or new equipment, or revenue schemes, including the training of staff.
The funding cannot be used for expenditure that takes place prior to approval of grants, including planning fees and professional fees, existing running costs and salary costs, fundraising costs, previously funded projects, recoverable VAT, and political or religious activities.
Last year, £212,000 was allocated to local schemes including youth groups, bowls clubs, the Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team and several village halls that requested funding for play equipment and internal fittings.
The mountain rescue team, which is routinely asked by the emergency services to help in searches in and around rivers and areas of standing water, received a grant of £2,931 to help replace 10 drysuits.
Ian Hugill, the incident controller and public relations officer for the Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team, said: “These new dry suits will provide environmental protection from both the effects of water and contaminants for our swift water and flood rescue technicians as we go about ‘saving lives’ in wild and remote places. We are very grateful for the council’s support to help us buy them.”
Groups can apply for up to £5,000, although the grant is capped at 25 per cent of the total project cost so match-funding must be in place. Schemes under £1,000 can apply for 100 per cent funding.
There are two rounds of applications this year – from 3 July to 11 August, leading to decisions in September, and from 18 September to 27 October, with decisions in December.
Download an application form. Completed application forms should be submitted to grants.rye@northyorks.gov.uk via email.