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Northallerton Registration Office
The Old Courthouse
3 Racecourse Lane
Before calling, please be aware that you can book certain appointments and apply for copy certificates using our online service 24 hours a day seven days a week. Access these services below.
Our registration offices are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
Buy a copy birth, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate online.
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There are spaces outside the office but parking is very limited on site during the week. Parking can be accessed using the entrance on Racecourse Lane. There is additional visitor parking usually available at the main entrance to County Hall opposite the railway station.
On Saturday and Sundays, there are ample spaces available.
The Old Courthouse has the benefit of a main ceremony room that holds up to 34 guests.
The number of people allowed in the office ceremony rooms excludes the registrars but includes the couple, the witnesses, guests (including children of any age), any photographer and/or videographer or musician.
There are two additional licenced rooms, the entrance hall (available weekends only) and the courtroom itself.
Your guests will have the use of the entrance hall as a waiting room before the ceremony.
There are lawned areas to the front of the building. The building is also next to County Hall, which is set in its own grounds and provides ample opportunity for photographers. Do feel free to throw biodegradable confetti in the garden.
There is a car park at the rear of the register office with a dedicated disabled space. Spaces may be limited during the week. There are access ramps to the front and side of the building and inside, the office is fully disabled accessible, including toilet facilities.