When should you apply for a temporary event notice?
You need a temporary event notice if:
- your event is less than 168 hours or seven days
- your event includes activities that require a licence and it's held at premises that aren't already authorised by a premises licence or a club premises certificate
The application must be submitted no later than ten working days before the event, or five working days for a late temporary event notice.
Licensable activities
The most common licensable activities are:
- the sale or supply of alcohol
- live or recorded music and late-night refreshments
- other regulated entertainment such as wrestling: check with the licensing team for further details
The powers to regulate temporary events are set out in the Licensing Act 2003 which you can find on the Government website.
Apply online
You can complete and pay for your temporary event notice application online.
Apply for a temporary event notice
See our licensing policy here.
You can find our licensing fees here.